Reverend John Polk – The Biblical God Is An Alien |Blue Beings|End Times|EOD 43




Episode 43: The Blue Beings


Michael Welcomed John Polk, to the program.

While perpetually circumnavigating the spiritual spiral of collective consciousness within his own Quantum Hologram Matrix, International Metaphysical Minister, Reverend John M. Polk is proud of his many years of research, education and mediumship. John possesses two Bachelor’s degrees. The first he earned in Broadcasting back in 1992 and the second he completed in 2012 through the University of Sedona in Metaphysics. Furthering his Metaphysical soul expansion manifestation, John became an International Metaphysical Minister as well and soon founded Wolf Spirit Ministries, LLC . The year prior In 2011, spiritual healing was John’s deepest passion. After intense study and being blessed to have an Earth bound Ascended Elder as a teacher, he became a Mikao Usui Reiki Master/Instructor.

Taking a time capsule backwards chronologically, Reverend Polk nearly died at his Grandfather’s funeral by choking on his own tears in 2009. Crossing over to the other side and then returning to the 3rd dimensional Earth, he brought back afterlife abilities that when paired with his spiritual training and education, opened up the Astral Plain to him unlike ever before. Shortly after this NDE, John began seeing UFOs and was being abducted on a regular basis by the ETs and MILABS. Then one day later that year, John’s childhood abductions came back to him in brief movie like clips which eventually became full on theatrical trailers. This all increased exponentially after his training in Reiki and Metaphysics.

Bouncing around his own Omniversal timeline, let’s emerge back into John’s physical and metaphysical reality in 2013. This is when Reverend Polk began receiving massive downloads from the Anunnaki. Enoch, Yahweh or Enlil of the Bible and the Archangels (ArchAliens), Rafael, Gabriel and Michael established dual residency in both John’s consciousness and his subconscious mind to feed him supernatural streams of knowledge and Ancient Alien history.

Consumed by this etherial flow, Reverend Polk became active in ET/Paranormal radio and authored two books over the next three years. The first, “Yahweh, The Biblical God, Is An Alien,” was published in 2015 and, “The Blue Beings, Visitation At The UFO Conference,” which did occur to him and many others, was released the following year in 2016. Steeped in both reality and controversy, which is what John wanted, these books have paved a path for him to embrace his mission as a small but integral part of disclosure which he knows is necessary for our planetary ascension into a new age of enlightenment that we can only achieve together.

John begins by explaining his unique upbringing, he had first been introduced to the Ouija board, by his mother. Conversation turns to the abduction phenomenon, One of the earliest studies of abductions found 1,700 claimants, while contested surveys argued that 5–6 percent of the general population might have been abducted. Can it be a case of sleep paralysis?

In a typical sleep-paralysis episode, a person wakes up paralyzed, senses a presence in the room, feels fear or even terror, and may hear buzzing and humming noises or see strange lights. A visible or invisible entity may even sit on their chest, shaking, strangling, or prodding them. Attempts to fight the paralysis are usually unsuccessful. Other suggest extraterrestrials can abduct their targets through the astral plane.

Conversation turns to Johns book “Yahweh, The Biblical God, Is An Alien”. Michael asks what the general reaction is to the title of his book, how long it took. If aliens were proved to exist, how would that discovery impact the Christian faith, And all other religions? Was god really an alien? Was He A shapeshifting reptilian? Michael then asks John if there has been anything he has yet to share. John recalls a night it happened at an event at contact in the desert. Joshua tree California is a very strange and unique place, there is something special about it.

Do you remember the phoenix lights incident? The Phoenix Lights was a mass UFO sighting which occurred in Phoenix, Arizona. it still remains the biggest mass sighting ever witnessed in history.
Will there ever be another mass sighting? the question of disclosure is often thrown around, for years those who have kept an eye and ear to ufology know this been echoed. Disclosure, is this a red herring? Michael asks John About channeling UFO’S, John has been able to do it a number of times but not always on command.

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