Peter Kling Episode 74

Episode 74: Biblical Prophecy




On a special edition of the program, Michael welcomed First time guest Peter Kling.
The Kling family has a 500 year history of standing for the truth, starting with the Reformation of the Church. Following in his ancestor’s footsteps, Peter Kling began his education in the Scriptures before the age of five and his education in the sciences by the age of 10. Peter first started “seeing” future events at the age of 9, had Alien contact at the age of 18, has survived attempts on his life 16 times, including an NDE (Near Death Experience), in which he “crossed over” and got sent back.

Peter covered many bases in the conversation from ET’s, to biblical scripture and the science he applies to his beliefs. Mr. Kling states; “We find life everywhere, it would only be logical that life exists across all dimensions in our Multiverse, beyond our physical three dimensions. Indeed we are not alone, but part of a large Cosmic Family and we are facing a paradigm change, which will create the next step in Human Development”.

Peter takes us through
the Book of Revelation, the passage about something like a burning mountain being thrown into the sea, and a third of the ocean filling with blood; he aligned this with the Gulf oil disaster. Both Michael and Peter completely stopped eating sea food.

Peter discusses opinion of Judge Roy Moore and Hollywood, where it all leads and how it’s all connected. The Catholic Church has paid out 4 billion dollars, as a result of sex abuse scandals. How is that Moral? No one ever goes to jail Michael mentions. This connects to prophecy and Peter explains. Trump is the only president since Reagan, not given the blessing of The Knights of Malta.

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