Neil Sanders – MK Ultra |Jordan Maxwell|David Icke|PT Barnum|Social Media Mind Control|EOD 35

Episode 35: Paradigm Conundrum

On a very special Friday edition of the program Michael welcomes special guest Neil Sanders, author of Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own: Mind Control, Mass Manipulation and Perception Management, and Your Thoughts Are Not Your Own Volume Two: Marketing, Movies and Music.
Neil holds an MA in Film Studies, having studied psychology and media production for his BA Honors, and is a qualified hypnotherapist. He is considered an expert on the subject of mind control and its application by military and government intelligence agencies.
He introduces himself by telling us that his interest is mind control, ranging from the personal to military applications, truth serums, social experimentation, social control, the use of the media and advertising and the entertainment industry. At university, Neil studied psychology and media production and became interested in the way advertising was constructed.
Michael wonders what percentage of the population is brainwashed. They discuss feeling different and going against the grain. Neil says the world should be interesting because it gets boring if everyone’s the same.
The topic then turns to social media. Neil sees it as not being an accurate representation of a person, and talks bout ‘the lie by omission.’ He says it’s an easy way to get attention, a sycophantic echochamber. He points out that YouTube does not owe you a living and brings up the people who are boycotting YouTube. Neil says security agencies are all over the internet just like they are over mainstream media, controlling the narrative, feeding false information. The difficulty is in knowing a genuine source. It’s a cluster melée. They then get into the demonetization of YouTube.
Neil brings us the political correctness of language and thinks we should be adult enough to use horrible words. They discuss freedom of speech and saying exactly what you want, Michael Savage, right-wing wackos, the P.T Barnum Fallacy, the clever marketing of the Trump campaign, Fake News, Breitbart, the creation of the alt-right, the Mercer Foundation, vicarious living, and the manipulation of the internet,
Next, they discuss LSD and Albert Hoffman, how it was synthesized by Eli Lilly and used as a truth serum. Also discusses is the SS’s Josef Mengele, the origins of mind control, manufacturing or the engineering of consent, experiments with dolphins, Dr. John Lilly, and the George C. Scott film The Day of the Dolphin.
Michael asks Neil about the Charles Manson case and Neil’s new book, Now Is The Only Thing That’s Real. After some confusion as to whether or not Manson sported facial hair in the TV movie, Neil talks about examining the Helter Skelter theory and how Manson was used to demonize hippies.
After mentioning Neil’s Leftöver Crack t-shirt, Michael asks his opinion on David Icke. Michael then relates the story about having lunch with Jordan Maxwell in LA and asking him about Icke. Neil talks about the Maxwell references in the film, The Da Vinci Code.
They then discuss how the admission of fault is an admission of liability, Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, turning right-wing, aligning yourself to a corporate raider, “snowflake,” fables that are told to us, clickbait, Hillary Clinton as monster, the murder of Seth Rich, Anthony Weiner, Toronto mayor Rob Ford, the Lolita Express, sex slave Virgina Roberts, Donald Trump’s friendship with Jeffrey Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell, and various other pedophiles.
Neil’s website is
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