Christine Day – Gregory Handford |Pleiadian Promise|Artificial Intelligence|EOD 37


Episode 37: Remember Who You Are


The powerful and heartbreaking personal story of Christine Day has inspired audiences throughout the world. Born and raised in Australia, Christine experienced a traumatic childhood involving cult ritual abuse. In 1986, following a diagnosis of advanced systemic lupus, and having been told she had just two months to live, Christine experienced a profound spiritual awakening with the Palladian’s, which enabled her to move into a place of self-healing. She has now been symptom free for the last twenty-six years.

Christine takes us through her own personal experience, the isolation and the trauma. She witnessed many children there, a lot of torture involved, mind control techniques and ritual abuse. A feeling of endlessness of not being able to escape. Christine has been genuine with her story, she’s gone from death’s door to speaking in front of thousands of people. She has been very
Inspirational to many out there.

Things get personal as Christine tells us more about her childhood development and how she was able to resurrect herself. Her uplifting message resonates with Michael, the Pleiadian carry unconditional love which she has embodied. Christine tells us more about her first contact with the Palladian’s and how they
Telepathically communicated with her. After her experience she was in an almost a trance like state for two days, she however returned to normal with a new understanding of her own paradigm.

What message do the Palladian’s have for humanity?
We talk about her latest book, the Pleiadian Promise and what the Promise means. Christine walks us through her seminars and her Pleiadian broadcasts.

*Second Guest*


Gregory Handford

He is an artificial intelligence programmer and alien enthusiast. he has designed and constructed and implemented his own version of artificial intelligence using artificial neurons.
Gregory has had several alien experiences in the form of dreams.

Greg discusses his experiences with dreams and extraterrestrials, he explains the race of ET’s he encountered. Greg seems to be explaining a classic abduction experience; however it is not a physical abduction, it is known as an astral plain abduction. Greg discloses his love for the X-Files.

The discussion moves on to his A.I. Project, Greg let’s Michael talk to his android. “Olivia”, is still learning, she will become smarter as time continues. Greg breaks down the way “Olivia”, works and explains how everyone listening can do this at home.

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