Category: News

Billy Ray Valentine & Robert Stanley

  Episode 428: The Mind Of Tory Smith Engaging in Illuminating Discourse: A Riveting Conversation with Billy Ray Valentine, Esteemed Host of The Infinite Fringe & America Unplugged. Exploring NYC’s Air Quality, the Thrill of UFO Disclosure, and the Enigmatic Saga of Whistleblower Tory Smith. *Warning* Do not listen if easily offended.       Episode 427: A.I. & The End Times According to Stanley, this evidence includes photographs and videos that capture extraterrestrial beings and their transportation systems. He points out specific images, such as a silhouette of a humanoid figure standing on one leg within a sphere of light and a black spot in the sky above the Capitol Dome, which he interprets as an artificially generated Anunnaki...

Robert Stanley returns live Saturday night

  live at 6:00 pm pst do not miss it!   Robert Stanley is the author of Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C. He has served as a correspondent for America’s Morning News and America’s Radio News Network. Robert has traveled to more than 50 countries during his pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries. His quest for unique ideas and information has led him to research and report on many controversial topics, which have been featured on radio, print, television and the Internet.