Category: News

Speed bump by our friends

Hello, it’s Michael Decon. I regret to inform you that we won’t be able to host a live show this week due to unforeseen circumstances. Unfortunately, one of our videos from 2020 featuring John Hogue has been taken down by YouTube. However, you can still listen to the podcast version of the show and check out our Patreon shows in the meantime. Thank you for your understanding.

Robert Stanley Interviewed Michael Decon

listen here Formerly a corporate journalist for HONDA Research Development, Robert M. Stanley is currently the editor of UNICUS He is also a correspondent for America’s Morning News on nationally syndicated radio. He has passionately researched UFOs and ETs for over 30 years. In that time, he has interviewed hundreds of eye-witnesses and leading experts. His ongoing investigations have been featured on international television and radio, and in print. Mr. Stanley is originally from Malibu, California. He has traveled to more than 50 countries in search of answers to ancient mysteries.  

Affiliation with The real deal media dot tv & Rumble announcement

Greetings boys and girls, I have an important announcement to make. The Michael Decon program will now proudly be affiliated with The Real Deal Media.TV The Real Deal Media.TV was founded by Dean Ryan in 2020 the day of the notorious Covid lockdowns. They have produced exciting original content and continued to develop a strong faithful following. We are proud to join the network and look forward to working with The Real Deal Media.TV The second announcement is that we are on the Rumble platform. One day YouTube will get rid of the official channel. The show has been shadow-banned on the platform for years. We must be prepared for the imminent collapse. Make sure you follow us on Rumble...