Category: News

Who lives & who died? 2030 flyby – Marshall Masters

  The coming pole shift in 2030 is a survivable event for those who consider it soberly and objectively and be proactive. Still, the odds are weak because, in 1983, NASA chose to withhold this information to ensure the maximum loss of life, where 10% or less will survive. If NASA had been in it for the species in 1983, we would have a ninety percent chance of survival today.  However, because we were denied a half-century to prepare, the unprepared only have a 10% chance of surviving. If you are waiting for someone to think for you, remember this.  The universe has only one rule of survival for all sentient species.  If you’re stupid, you deserve to die.  The...

Achieving Critical Mass in 2025 and the Reckoning – Marshall Masters

  Michael Decon read my latest article, Achieving Critical Mass in 2025 and the Reckoning, and invited me to discuss it and the groundbreaking Nemesis satellite imagery from 2022 that White Hats leaked in Russia featured in my article. For this interview, I spoke from the heart about my most significant concern for the future.  Namely, how to survive the stress of the 2030 pole shift and prevent a post-pole-shift resurgence of evil. If we are to win all future wars, the immediate and urgent need for humanity to resolve its divides begins with this Globalist insanity, which aims to provoke a nuclear conflict between America and Russia. Frankly, I know this message will not go far due to Orwellian suppression...

Celebrity Death Pool 2025!!!

  Episode 551 It’s finally here; can you even believe it? All your favorites are all in one place! *Not for the weak of heart.

| End Times Edition | The Next Pole Shift, The Battle of Two Suns – Marshall Masters

  Episode 547 The October and mid-November snapshot data show that Nemesis entered its aphelion leg in late October, and the battle of the two suns has begun. Presently, Nemesis has whipped around the Sun; now it’s peddle-to-the-metal time. This puts us in the danger zone until a few years after the pole shift in 2030. In this Signs installment, we present the data for this assessment and some of what we will see and experience in the next few years. The critical point is that those most likely to survive will be those who are prepared and soundly situated by no later than the end of 2028. After 2028, the unprepared will suffer and perish in vast numbers. Please...