Category: Shows

The Trials and Tribulations of Jo Ann Richards

    episode 479: The Trials and Tribulations of Jo Ann Richards An experienced entrepreneur and author with a 40-year background in bookkeeping. Jo Ann shares her remarkable life journey, navigating through seven marriages marked by challenges like abuse, divorce, and being a prison wife. The narrative unfolds as she discusses leaving the Mormon church after three decades and reevaluating her beliefs upon meeting her current husband, currently incarcerated. Jo Ann details her insights in her memoir, “Midlife Magic,” capturing the highs and lows of her marital experiences. She also explores her involvement in the UFO conference circuit, shedding light on her husband’s military intelligence work related to UFOs and aliens.

    Episode 477: Whistleblowing Airline Association Dan Hanley, a seasoned airline captain with 35 years of service, is recognized for his dedication to alerting the public about safety issues in air travel. Unfortunately, he faced professional consequences after raising legitimate concerns regarding federal aviation violations. Despite his long and successful career, he was discharged, leading to isolation from an industry where he had demonstrated professionalism and care throughout his tenure. This incident sheds light on the challenges whistleblowers may encounter in the aviation sector.

Ba’al Busters x Michael Decon – Episode 475: Underground Dwellers

      Episode 475: Underground Dwellers Author of Priestcraft: Beyond Babylon, Daniel Kristos hosts Ba’al Busters, an Independent video, radio, and podcast channel created in 2018Information Videos and Radio about Real History, Nutrition, and Natural Remedies. Great Guests and Exciting Topics!The Mission: Know thy Enemy, and To Create a World Where Child-Harmers Run for their Lives Instead of for Office. Become the Fearless Warrior for Good that you were Created to be! Ba’al Busters Broadcast analyzes hidden history, uncovers deceptions, and identifies the perpetrator’s patterns [recognition] studying the behaviors and recurring occult themes. This podcast has come about after much extensive reading and research over the past decade into various topics of Ancient Mystery Schools, Jesuits, Frankists, Origins of...

Marshall Masters – The Red Kachina has arrived!

  Last summer, I began working on the timeline chapter for my new book,  Revelation and Planet X: The Kolbrin Bible Indigo Connection, as I explained in my latest article. My New Book and Why 2024 Is the Last Fat Cow, The timeline in the book covers 13 years by season, from 2024 to 2037.  Building this timeline changed my mission because we’re officially out of time and the proof can be seen in the Red Kachina observation videos now turning up on social media. Back in 1999, when we first started tracking earth changes and space threats, radio was the best way to promote support for your work.  However, due to Orwellian suppression by our Communist-pedophile Federal agencies, free speech is now...