Category: Shows

Jon Kelly Reverse Speech Analyst

  Jon Kelly is recognized for his involvement in a field known as reverse speech analysis. This unconventional technique involves scrutinizing the phonetic elements and speech patterns of audio recordings played in reverse to purportedly unveil concealed meanings or messages within spoken language. Advocates of reverse speech analysis assert that it can offer insights into subconscious thoughts, and emotions, or even provide information about a person’s past or future. Jon Kelly has garnered attention for his work in this particular niche, and media outlets have featured him discussing his findings. Many experts in linguistics and psychology regard it as “pseudoscientific”.      

happy belated Thanksgiving special

    Episode 464: Wood for days Join the boys in a special live episode of the show. For those who can handle it, be ready for genuine, unfiltered enjoyment. However, if you’re easily offended, it’s advised to steer clear as this episode may not be suitable for you. From discussions on car crashes to unexpected twists involving Dolly Parton, Nancy Pelosi & many more.

UFO Whistleblowers, Truth About Alien Abductions & Antarctica – Brad Olsen

    Antarctica, the icy continent at the southernmost tip of our planet, has long been shrouded in mystery and intrigue. In recent discussions with researcher Brad Olsen, we delve into the enigmatic secrets concealed beneath its surface. this region has become an inexplicable no-fly zone. Reports suggest that within this mysterious region, there are three massive crafts locked in the ice. Recent partial exposure due to melting has revealed the presence of a quarter-mile-long machine grill—an unmistakable indication of artificial construction. Olsen discloses that these crafts were designed for very tall inhabitants and were seemingly in stasis until recently when signs of awakening were observed. The revelations about Antarctica’s hidden secrets pose profound questions about our understanding of history,...

Michael Decon and Marshall Masters: Planet X & The Survival of All Humanity

In this latest interview with Michael Decon, he asked me to address a new audience to Planet X.  It happens when our government is busy attacking free speech as usual. I started with my usual newbie explanations about Planet X, and about twenty minutes in, Michael decided it was time to dive head-first into the hot stuff, and wow, that’s what we did. We discussed my forthcoming book, Revelation and Planet X: The Kolbrin Bible Indigo Connection, out later this year.  A key feature of this book will be a tribulation timeline from 2023 to 2037. Planet X & The Survival of All Humanity, Two Suns in The Sky – Marshall Masters When writing, I prefer to lay low and stay focused,...

The Billy Meier Prophecies – Michael Horn

Episode 459: The Billy Meier Prophecies In 1958, Billy Meier predicted the Iraq Wars, AIDS and global warming. Is it the biggest hoax or… the most important story in human history? You’ll find the startling answer in this remarkable, true-life story about how a young Swiss boy’s meetings with extraterrestrials would eventually lead him later in life through dozens of countries, meeting many famous world leaders – including Saddam Hussein – in order to fulfill ancient prophecies. This one-armed farmer from Switzerland has taken hundreds of the most startling photos in UFO History and has even filmed what he refers to as “Beam Ships” used by sentient beings that hail from a star system near the Pleiades. He has been...

Robert Stanley – Melchizedek King-Priest, Planet X to Gun Control & Beyond

Episode 457: Melchizedek King-Priest Robert Stanley is the author of Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C. He has served as a correspondent for America’s Morning News and America’s Radio News Network. Robert has traveled to more than 50 countries during his life-long pursuit of modern and ancient mysteries. For the past 40 years, Robert’s quest for unique ideas and information has led him to research and report on many controversial topics. His work has been featured on radio, print, television, and the Internet.    

Ole Dammegard discusses false flag operations and the battle in the east

  Episode 455: False Flag Operations Ole Dammegard is a distinguished figure in the fields of truth-seeking and investigative analysis. He has been honored with the Prague Peace Prize and received recognition from the Apache Nation. With a diverse skill set that encompasses authorship, international speaking engagements, journalistic expertise, musical and compositional talents, artistic capabilities, inventive acumen, and astute investigative prowess, Ole’s contributions are both broad and deep. Over the course of the last 35 years, he has committed himself to the meticulous examination of global conspiracy theories. His extensive body of work has reached a global audience, impacting millions of individuals through a multitude of interviews and presentations. Ole’s central mission revolves around unearthing the truth behind pivotal historical...

Dr. Simeon Hein – Patreon EP.90

  Episode 90 from Patreon. Full Episode at Dr. Simeon Hein received a Ph.D. in sociology from Washington State University, emphasizing research methods and statistics, in 1992. He is the director of a research and teaching company, the Mount Baldy Institute in Boulder, Colorado, founded in 1997 to allow people to learn Remote Viewing: intuition training that taps into our creative unconscious intelligence. He also studies crop circles and takes people on crop circle tours. You can watch his lectures about crop circles. In addition, he is an avid acoustic guitarist. You can listen to his music here. He is the author of many books, including Opening Minds: A Journey of Extraordinary Encounters, Crop Circles, and Resonance and, more recently, Planetary Intelligence: 101 Easy Steps to...