Category: Shows

Robert Maginnis – Episode 145

  Episode 145: Future Rising Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Bob Maginnis graduated from the U.S. Military Academy, the Naval Postgraduate School, the Command & General Staff College, the Defense Language School and the Army War College’s strategy course. He is an Airborne-Ranger infantry officer with service in four infantry divisions on three continents. Once retired from the U.S. Army he joined the Family Research Council where he rose to be the vice president for policy before returning to the Pentagon 16 years ago. He continues his association with FRC by serving as the senior fellow for national security. He is the vice president for his contracting firm with duties at the Pentagon where he supervises a team of national...

Eve Lorgen – Episode 144 *Ladies Night*

Episode 144: Ladies Night Eve Lorgen is a dedicated counseling and hypnotherapy professional, author, anomalous trauma researcher, Hatha yogi and Taoist Chi Gong practitioner. The love bite is a misunderstood and highly misunderstood aspect of the alien abduction experience: alien engineering of human love relationships and alien manipulation of abductees’ lives. As more people have come forward to share their unusual “orchestrated love relationships”, Eve discovered that this is not exclusive to the “alien abductee subpopulation” and is much more widespread. 🔥Second Half🔥 It’s ladies night, both Vanessa & Seraphine hold nothing back. Not for the weak of hearts, press play at your own discretion.

Dr. Richard Alan Miller X Deron Miller – Episode 143

    Episode 143: Altered States    Dr. Richard Alan Miller has a long and extensive resume in the fields of Physics, Metaphysics and Agriculture. Here are just some of the highlights from his very rich and varied resume – from solid state physics to states of consciousness and much in between… Prodigious from an early age, two of Richard Miller’s high school science projects were adopted by NASA, including one used in the Mariner 4 mission to determine the amount of water on the planet Mars. At age 16 he built a linear accelerator and hydrogen bubble chamber for a science fair project and was the first American to demonstrate particles going faster than the speed of light. He’s...

Dr. Peter Ward X Jon Kelly – Episode 142

      Episode 142: Green Hell   Paleontologist and astrobiologist Peter D. Ward studies the Cretaceous-Tertiary extinction event (the one that killed the dinosaurs) and other mass extinctions. He is a leader in the intriguing new field of astrobiology, the study of the origin, distribution, and evolution of life in the universe. The discussion touched upon subjects such as; Climate change, The Salton Sea, California fires & other major earth changes. What does the future have in store for us? Mass Extinctions have happened in the past, are we due for another? Jon Kelly, who is an international clinician and world famous speech analyst, joined in as a co-host.     Podcast: Itunes CastBox Stitcher  

Marshall Masters – Episode 141

    Episode 141: Earth Changes Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including: sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future Second Half it’s celebrity death pool 2019

Karen Jackson – Episode 101

For those who requested it re-uploaded. Here it is thank you for your patience. Episode 101: KNYE Michael welcomed Karen Jackson, She is the owner and manager of KNYE 95.1 FM. The signals are received in Las Vegas 60 miles to the east and Death Valley 30 miles to the west. On May 29, 2008 Art Bell, former host of Coast to Coast AM sold KNYE to station manager Karen Jackson for $600,000. In 2013, the station changed its slogan from “Where things go Pahrump in the night” to “The Big Voice of The Valley”. Karen describes in great detail, the life and times of Art Bell. Karen talked about her unique friendship with Art, how she acquired the radio...

Anon E? – Episode 140

Episode 140: Apathy As many of you know, a hack group from the past has come together to form a new legion. One without principles only motivated by money. Computer analyst and hacker, sheds light on the current situation with the hacker group the dark overlord. “E”, explains the ins and outs of specific targeting and gas lighting. Internet safety and what you can do to keep yourself safe, in the wild west. The Dark Overlord hacker group has released decryption keys for 650 documents it says are related to 9/11. Unless a ransom is paid, it threatened with more leaks that will have devastating consequences for the US ‘deep state’. The document dump is just a fraction of the...

Robert Potter – Episode 139 *Celebrity Death Pool 2019*

    Episode 139: Goodbye 2018   Rob has been researching healing and consciousness for over 40 years. He has given seminars all over the world including Egypt, Canada, Europe and the USA and he hosts a weekly radio show on Pyramid One Radio called “The Victory of Light”. He has been experiencing UFO contacts since 1975. He was ordained into the Royal Order of Melchizadech through the Venusian Commander Valiant Thor. Rob also was very close to Dr Frank Stranges who wrote Stranger at The Pentagon. Rob was a personal assistant and good friend of Dr. Fred Bell from the age of 16 until Dr. Bell’s death and he is currently working closely with a fellow contactee named Cobra to prepare people...