Category: Shows

Dan Willis x Patrick White – Episode 131

  Episode 131: Brand New Tomorrow   Dan Willis is one of the Disclosure Project’s Top Secret military witnesses that testified at the National Press Club in Washington DC in 2001 in front of every major media. A world disclosure event which was asking for a congressional hearing in order to bring forth the witness scientists within the black projects who can release the technologies that have been hidden for over 60 years that could stop further damage to our planet. But instead, the message was sanitized by a controlled mainstream media. An ex-radio broadcast engineer and ABC newsman, Dan has taken a keen interest in how and why the mainstream media has withheld disclosure of the full message to...

Paul Hellyer – Episode 130

  Episode 130: Hope Restored   Paul Hellyer is one of Canada’s best known and most controversial politicians. First elected in 1949, he was the youngest cabinet minister appointed to Louis S. St. Laurent’s government eight years later. He subsequently held senior posts in the governments of Lester B. Pearson and Pierre E. Trudeau, who defeated him for the Liberal Party leadership in 1968. The following year, after achieving the rank of senior minister, which was later designated Deputy Prime Minister, Hellyer resigned from the Trudeau cabinet on a question of principle related to housing. Although Hellyer is best known for the unification of the Canadian Armed Forces and for his 1968 chairmanship of the Task Force on Housing and...

Mike Rogers X Michele Guild – Episode 129

Episode 129: Neuroethics On Wednesday, November 5, 1975. Then 22 years old, Walton was employed by Mike Rogers, who had for nine years contracted with the United States Forest Service for various duties. Rogers and Walton were best friends; Walton dated Rogers’ sister Dana, whom he later married. Others on the crew were Ken Peterson, John Goulette, Steve Pierce, Allen Dallis and Dwayne Smith. They all lived in the town of Snowflake, Arizona. Rogers was hired to thin out scrub brush and undergrowth from a large area (more than 1,200 acres) near Turkey Springs, Arizona. The job was the most lucrative contract Rogers had received from the Forest Service, but the job was behind schedule. As a result, they worked...

Michael Fitzhugh Bell X Robert Bonomo – Episode 128

  Episode 128: 21 Faces   Whistleblower Michael Fitzhugh Bell is a victim of what is referred to as an Unacknowledged Special Access Program (U.S.A.P.) created by the United States Government, believed to be part of the Military Black Ops portion of the Shadow Government. Bell is victimized through the illegal misuse of advanced nanotechnology, biomedical devices embedded throughout his body, using clandestine Government Classified Technologies. The first book demonstrated this and used actual verified Doctors reports and documented medical images to prove this fact. Bell is under constant attack by Bioelectronic Torture Weapons, 24/7, in a non-stop assault on his life, fighting on the front lines of this battle of survival all day, everyday. In this ongoing account, the...

Gary Wayne X Mark Stavish Episode 127

Episode 127: Perpetuus Meam   Gary Wayne is a Christian contrarian who has maintained a lifelong love affair with biblical prophecy, history, and mythology. His extensive study has encompassed the Holy Bible and Gnostic scriptures, The Qur’an, the Bhagavad Gita, Gilgamesh and other ancient epics, language etymology, and secret society publications.   There are giants among us, passing largely unnoticed, intent on carrying out a secret plan to enslave all humanity. They may not look like giants today, but their bloodlines extend all the way back to the Nephilim—the offspring of angels who mated with human women—described in Genesis 6 when giants roamed the land. Gary Wayne, author of The Genesis 6 Conspiracy: How Secret Societies and the Descendants of...

Marshall Masters X Josie Varga Episode 126

Episode 126: Phase 2 Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. In another exclusive interview w/ Marshall Masters, he takes us through his humble beginnings & working for CNN, “the children of the lie”. He broke free and became a follower of the truth, he has been suppressed and shadow banned from most online publications. The suppression is staggering, once you come to realization that Marshall is definitely 86′d. He takes us through his new book about what is coming next and how to prepare, for the Nibiru Flyby. Topics include, The break down of society, what we are seeing on tv, how media is perceived, the lack of...

Jo Ann Richards X John Olsen Episode 125

Episode 125: Lost In Space Jo Ann Richards is Executive Director of the educational non-profit, Earth Defense Headquarters (  Her husband, Mark Richards, and his father, Ellis Loyd Richards, were involved with top-level military intelligence operations many including on-world and off-world contact with alien species. Jo Ann speaks about her knowledge of military operations and secret meetings that both these men were involved with. She shares information about numerous alien species, the secret space fleet, and battles with aliens on- and off-world. Jo Ann has been a guest on numerous radio and TV shows, as well as a conference presenter. *Second Half* John Olsen Lives in Lewiston Utah in beautiful Cache Valley, with his wife and three kids. After his...

Tolec X Clark Hay – Episode 124

Episode 124: The Cosmic True Will   Tolec is an Earth human representative of the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic, interstellar and inter-dimensional governance & development body of aligned benevolent star systems & planets of sentient, intelligent life for worlds in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies.  Here on Earth they are collectively known as the Andromeda Council.  In space where they function, the various member planets, ambassadors and other delegates simply refer to it as the Galactic Council.  You can think of the Council as a deep space United Nations. He has been given the name “Tolec”, as an Earth based, pubic persona work name by the five (5) people with whom he regularly communicates who are stationed on...