Category: Shows

Live saturday night Joshua Free / Robert Bruce

JOSHUA FREE began participating in his planetary mission by receiving ‘unofficial’ personal apprenticeships from individual mentors who were, themselves, members (active or preexisting) of the Illuminati, Rosicrucians, Freemasons, Catholic Mystics, Christian Gnostics, Buddhist Monks, Freezoners (Scientology), the Dragon Court / Dragon Society, Theosophical Society, Aurum Solis, the GD (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) and/or the A.A. (Argentium Astrum) among others. At the age of 12, JOSHUA FREE was officially initiated into the Pheryllt Druid tradition (based on the work of Douglas Monroe) and then began leading his own Druid-styled organization at 13. The following year he was installed to the ‘third degree’ of Celtic Wicca. In the mid-1990′s, he was even heralded the youngest...

Lawrence Krauss Episode 109

  Episode 109: The Cosmic Universe   Michael welcomed Lawrence krauss to the program. Lawrence Maxwell Krauss is an American-Canadian theoretical physicist and cosmologist who is Foundation Professor of the School of Earth and Space Exploration at Arizona State University, and director of its Origins Project. Lawrence’s major research areas and activities are encompassed within theoretical particle astrophysics and cosmology, including studies of the early universe, neutrino astrophysics, dark matter, dark energy, quantum field theory and gravity, black holes, stellar evolution, nucleosynthesis and eschatology. Krauss is the author of over 300 scientific publications, as well as numerous popular articles on physics and astronomy. He is the author of 10 popular books, including the international bestseller The Physics of Star Trek(1995)...

Benjamin E. Zeller Episode 108

Episode 108: UFO’s Religion & Politics Benjamin E. Zeller is a researcher and teacher of religion in America. He focuses on religious currents that are new or alternative, including new religions, the religious engagement with science, and the quasi-religious relationship people have with food. His interests are united by an interest in expanding the conversation about religion by including less commonly studied groups, phenomena, and topics, and looking at more common topics (e.g. religion & science; American religious history) from new angles. Zeller is Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Religion at Lake Forest College, a private liberal arts college in the Chicago suburbs. He previously served as Director of the College Honors Program, Assistant Professor of Religious...

Jerry Wills Episode 107

Episode 107: Extrasensory Perception   Michael welcomes Jerry Wills to the program. Jerry is a well-known international speaker, radio, and internet TV broadcaster. Devoting his life to helping others through his unusual gifts, Jerry Wills is an intuitive healer who investigates the science and history of healing techniques ignored by the modern world for centuries. From a young age, Jerry Wills understood the movement of energy through all things. However, after many scoldings, he learned to keep his unique gifts to himself. That is until 1981 when a near-death experience gave him a second chance to stop wasting his life and share his talents. It took another 20 years for his abilities to be accepted. Now, people seek him out...

Episode 106: Para-physical Phenomena

      Episode 106: Para-physical Phenomena Tonight’s guest is Norio Hayakawa who has spent decades investigating Area 51 and UFOs. One of his main focuses has been on the alleged secret base in Dulce, New Mexico, as well as cattle mutilations in that area. In 1990, he created the Civilian Intelligence News Service which he calls “a citizens’ oversight committee on government accountability, a grassroots watchdog group established to help ensure liberty, justice and freedom of information for all.” Norio joins the program and right away informs us that on The Dulce Base Conspiracy Symposium in Santa Fe, New Mexico on June 16, 2018. The first symposium on this fascinating topic ever to be held in Santa Fe, New...

James Fetzer – The Memorial Day Special Episode 105

  Episode 105: Happy Memorial Day Michael opens the show by introducing us to tonight’s guest, James H. Fetzer, Jim Fetzer earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. A former Marine Corps officer, he has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11 and the plane crash that killed Sen. Paul Wellstone. The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his latest books include The Place of Probability in Science (with Ellery Eells, 2010) plus And I suppose we didn’t go to the moon, either? (2015), which was...

Marshall Masters Episode 104

  Episode 104: Nibiru cataclysm   Michael welcomed Mr. Marshall Masters, back for another quintessential episode of the program. Longtime friend and affiliate of the program, Michael and Marshall cover an extensive ground from the planet x tribulations & Earth changes, down to politics and current events. Why is there so much suppression regarding planet x?s mainstream journalism completely dead in this day and age? Is there a media outlet without a political agenda? Find out who lives and who dies when the nibiru flyby unfolds, be prepared.   Like clockwork, right from the start the conversation begins with the downfall of current humanity and a background on Marshall. Mr. Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer,...

Michael Horn – Billy Meier Prophecies & Predictions Episode 103

    Episode 103: Sacred Teachings of Billy Meier Michael Decon welcomed Michael Horn, the authorized American media representative for reclusive Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier. Horn immediately makes distinctions between what he calls the “lights-in-the-sky”, tabloid-type of UFO stories and Meier’s scientifically proven UFO contacts. “While there is now no shortage of strictly anecdotal, as well as completely imaginary tales of so-called UFO contactees, abductions, etc., Meier’s are the only substantiated contacts. Because it’s the most suppressed – and the most important – story in human history, many people don’t know that his clear, daytime UFO photos, films, sound recordings and metal samples have already been authenticated by scientific experts.” But while Meier’s hundreds of examples of still irreducible...