Jim Fetzer x David Dees
Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. After introductions, Jim got right to business. During the interview, David called in to the show and brought up the flat earth theory.
*Second Half*
Commercial artist, David Dees, with a family tree rooted in the deep southern states of Mississippi and Louisiana, was introduced to the world of art by watching alongside the easel of his father’s hobby of landscape and Civil War scene oil painting. After a brief stay in art school, Dees joined the staff at an Atlanta, Georgia graphic studio creating images for magazine and newspaper advertisements, but being an avid movie fan and with big dreams of designing Hollywood movie poster art, headed west to Los Angeles in 1984. (Orwell would have been proud.) Setting up freelance, specializing in airbrush illustration for the entertainment industry.
Dees developed an arsenal of acrylic airbrushing techniques from super-realism to wacky high energy cartooning. Illustrating video and DVD covers, toy packaging, movie promo store displays, and children’s books, for the next 17 years Dees counted Paramount Studios, Warner Bros., Geffen Records, Hanna Barbera and Sesame Street Magazine as some of his favorite clients.