Andrew Radziewicz aka The Psychic Firefighter, is an expert at communicating (and showing he has) with our loved ones who have passed. His experiences and psychic abilities are being studied by leading scientists and PhDs at Stanford, and The University of Dublin. He was a “normal” firefighter in New York, and is now a funeral director, arranger and embalmer in Australia. He trained with renown medium Robert Hansen, has possibly connected with Extraterrestrials (some interesting stuff there!). He has been covered by the New York Post as well as other media publications. listen to the full episode at    visit Andrews website Here.  

October Surprise

  We’re back! Please fasten your seatbelt’s, this one gets rather rowdy.        

The 9/11 anniversary special

Episode 383: The 9/11 Anniversary Shindig This was another jam-packed episode filled with joy and sorrow. Definitely not for the weak of heart, otherwise enjoy! 

New episodes released with Jim Morris & Myke Hideous

  Or here     You can listen to the latest episodes above, featuring Jim Morris & Myke Hideous.   During his third tour of duty in Vietnam where he served as a Green Beret, Jim Morris was wounded badly enough to be retired from the army. He came home bitter, angry that his career had been ended. After reading The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, he realized that many members of Ken Kesey’s Merry Pranksters had also been combat officers. Following this spiritual “hint,” he spent the next couple of years as an acid head, even skydiving on LSD. Awakened by his LSD experiences, Morris immersed himself in the books of Carlos Castaneda as well as in Kriya yoga, Charismatic Christianity, and A Course in Miracles. From these experiences he was led to Toltec spiritual teacher don Miguel Ruiz and began a deep spiritual journey of change.    

Marshall Masters

  With the FBI-weaponized August 8, 2022, invasion of President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate, America crossed a Rubicon, a boundary between the hope of a democratic republic and the despair of slavery. Devin Nunes, CEO of Truth Social, described the situation perfectly; “America looks like a banana republic.”  Let’s be honest about this because, as the idiom goes, ‘if the shoe fits.’ As for me, everything connects back to the coming flyby of the Planet X System.  With our nation and Constitution intact, more Americans survive, as will more of humanity. Folks tend to think about surviving the coming flyby in terms of beans, bullets, and bunkers, but if our nation falls to communism, artificial intelligence killer drones will scour the world for the unvaccinated and murder them with cold, overwhelming precision. Therefore, we’re not fighting for principles.  Here we must draw the line because we’re in an existential fight for life.

Alfred Webre

  Futurist Alfred Lambremont Webre is a change agent whose principal contributions have beenfounding the science of Exopolitics through his 2000 book Exopolitics, discovery of the Omniverse 2014 as the 3rd major cosmological body after the Universe and the Multiverse through which humanity understands the cosmos, as set out in his 2014 book DEO: Dimensional Ecology of the Omniverse,  promulgation of the Positive Future Equation [PFE] though which humans co-create a positive future on planet Earth, published in his 2017 book Journey, and  public exposé of the Chronogarchy, an interdimensional hidden power structure monitoring the time-space of Earth as its domain of influence, operating as a secret government using quantum access Time Travel technologies to carry out its operations and mandates. A graduate of Yale University, Yale Law School, and a Fulbright Scholar, Alfred has taught at two universities (Yale & U of Texas), served as General Counsel of the NYC EPA, War Crimes Judge, United Nations Outer Space & Peace representative, and directed the 1977 proposed Carter White House Extraterrestrial Communication Study while a Futurist at Stanford Research Institute. Alfred has been host on WBAI-FM and Vancouver Coop Radio and he has been featured on CBC, CBS, CNN, TruTV, PressTV, and other networks.

Michael Horn vs callers

On-air encounter with angry heckler leads to unexpected results for everyone THE BILLY MEIER UFOS & PREDICTIONS: THE KEY TO OUR FUTURE SURVIVAL? Michael Decon interviews Michael Horn about singularly authentic UFO contacts, ongoing in Switzerland for over 80 years It’s not uncommon for skeptics to show up in the chat rooms and comments section of interviews I do about the Billy Meier UFO contacts, during or after the shows. Some people also think that, over the years, I’ve been unduly hard on those who make mindless accusations and attacks, with no credible substantiation. In my recent interview with Michael Decon, there were a couple of skeptics peppering the chat room with negative, derisive comments. One heckler, a person named Erik, was particularly persistent, angry, and seemingly unwilling to call in to the show and directly confront, or discuss his gripes with, me. Suddenly, things changed and Erik stepped up and called in. I think the result surprised almost everyone…including Erik.