Lee Austin Returned – Alec Baldwin is The luckiest man in Hollywood
Episode 350: Alec Baldwin is the luckiest man in Hollywood Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee’s show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth. Born in Boston, Lee moved to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio. For over thirty years, he’s crisscrossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer, and program director for numerous radio stations. In 2017, he wrote Morning Star’s Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of the topics discussed on Outcast Radio.
Richard Gage
Episode 348: Lawyers’ Committee for 911 inquiry Richard Gage, Mick Harrison and Kristina Borjesson joined the program to clear the air and brought forth exclusive news. Richard Gage, AIA is the founding member of He has been a practicing Architect for 20 years and has worked on most types of building construction, including numerous fire-proofed steel-framed buildings.
We are still alive … New shows with Philip Kraske, James Fetzer & Richard Gage
For whatever reason it seems like many of you out there are under the notion that the show is no longer operating. All systems are up and running, please subscribe to the podcast version of the program. The live show is still haulted on YouTube. Listen here
The battle for freedom of speech continues
Some of you may or may not know that the live version of the program has been halted by YouTube for another 2 weeks.The show still lives on but through the podcast version. Please subscribe as we continue to fight for freedom and Liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Don’t forget to subscribe to the Patreon series. Help keep the operation flowing, if you have spent any time listening to the program don’t be shy to show your support. Podcast Version:
Taken down immediately from YouTube – Dan Hanley & Doug Greene
*this episode was quickly removed from YouTube. Not to worry the audio was recorded and the podcast version is available* Episode 342: Never Forget 9/11 Dan Hanley was a United airline 777 Captain. After 9/11, Captain Hanley started connecting the dots and realized the official story was beyond implausible. When the airline failed to implement promised FAA safety improvements, Dan began to speak up. Like any good pilot, passenger safety was the paramount goal, beyond even his own. Captain Dan was summarily squashed. He was relieved of his duties, stripped of his salary, and personally destroyed by a corrupt system that suppresses whistleblowers rather than embracing them. Capt Greene, An American Veteran held HOSTAGE by a broken U.S. justice system who was forced overseas after being denied his day in court to ever have cases heard.
Patreon exclusive…..
Exclusive content for Patreon subscribers. Only $5 maybe even $2