The Professor returns for a vital update

Episode 218: Unhinged 2 Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. He also maintains a website devoted to this and related subjects at In addition, Jim has appeared on more than 250 radio and talk shows discussing the death of JFK. Jim returned for another crucial political news update, don’t miss this one it’s incredibly hard-hitting from start to finish. Myke Hideous named the official co-host of the program.


      Episode 215: CORONAVIRUS EVERYWHERE   Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. He has been nicknamed many things but many know him as “the most dangerous mind in America”, We know him simply as “The Professor”.

Michael Horn x Lee Austin – a message from the Plejaren, The coronavirus, Flat Earth & The Hollywood Elite

  Episode 214: A MESSAGE FROM THE HEAVENS    Michael welcomed Michael Horn, the authorized American media representative for reclusive Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meier. The Billy Meier case has been shrouded in controversy since the story first surfaced. From 1975 until August 19, 2003, there have been 632 personal and 748 telepathic contacts with Pleiadian/Plejaran extraterrestrials and members of their Federation.  Michael Horn discussed the latest message from the alien race the “Plejaren”.   *After the Break* Lee Austin Returned,  Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee’s show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth. Born in Boston, Lee moved to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio. For over thirty years, he’s crisscrossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations. In 2017, he wrote Morning Star’s Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of the topics discussed on Outcast Radio.


    Episode 213: Because your health matters   Dr. Paul returned for another vital update on the coronavirus, why the CDC is lying and now is the time to be self-reliant. Who is responsible for this alleged leak? I think you know the answer. Paul Cottrell is a researcher in chaos theory and has interests in modeling financial markets. Some have considered him a polymath of sorts. Born in Detroit, Michigan he has extensive professional experience in engineering and design. After retiring from automotive engineering he pursued interests in corporate finance involving the publishing, retail, and non-profit industries. He currently is a proprietary trader specializing in currency and energy markets.   *After the break* David Dees joined. After a brief run-through in art school, Dees joined staff at an Atlanta, Georgia graphic studio creating images for magazine and newspaper advertisements. In 1984 he west to Los Angeles. He set up a freelance studio specializing in airbrush illustration for the entertainment industry and developed an arsenal of acrylic air-brushing techniques from super-realism to wacky high energy cartooning. For the next 17 years Dees Illustrated video and DVD covers, toy packaging, movie promo store displays, and children’s books, working for big corporate clients such as Paramount Studios, Warner Bros., Geffen Records, Hanna Barbera and Sesame Street Magazine as some of his...

Live show saturday 7 pm pst 10 pm est w/ Dr. Paul Cottrell & David Dees

    Paul Cottrell is a researcher in chaos theory and has interests in modeling financial markets.  Some have considered him a polymath of sorts.  Born in Detroit, Michigan he has extensive professional experience in engineering and design.  After retiring from automotive engineering he pursued interests in corporate finance involving the publishing, retail, and non-profit industries.  He currently is a proprietary trader specializing in currency and energy markets. In addition to modeling financial markets, his research interests are in developmental economics, behavioral finance, complexity science, energy industry, risk management, and the uses of artificial intelligence in trading financial markets.  He has been awarded a Ph.D. specializing in finance from Walden University.  He has also earned a M.B.A. and B.S. from Wayne State University.  Engineering certificates from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (M.I.T.) have also been awarded to him. Dr. Cottrell is currently at Harvard University as an ALM candidate specializing in Biology and is in the Pre-Medical program at Fordham University.  He lives in New York, NY.   David Dees After a brief run through in art school, Dees joined statf at an Atlanta, Georgia graphic studio creating images for magazine and newspaper advertisements. In 1984 he west to Los Angeles. He set up a freelance studio specializing in airbrush illustration for the entertainment industry, and developed an arsenal of acrylic air-brushing...

Leo Zagami x Angel Millar – THE VATICAN REVEALED, The Three Stages of Initiatic Spirituality: Craftsman, Warrior, Magician

        EPISODE 212: AS ABOVE SO BELOW  Leo Lyon Zagami, writer and researcher is the son of Dr. Elio Zagami (1939- 2010), known Jungian analyst, writer and co-founder of GAPA (Independent Group of Analytical Psychology, of which he was president). His grandfather was Senator Leopoldo Zagami, a Sicilian politician who was also a known historian and author, who married into the aristocratic family of the Marquis de Gregorio. Leo’s mother is Jessica Lyon Young, a member of the family of the Queen Mother of England whose father, Henry Lyon Young was also a writer. Felicity Mason, Leo’s maternal grandmother, helped Leo in developing his talents at a young age. Felicity was an old-time collaborator and friend of avant-garde eccentrics such as William Burroughs and Brion Gysin. She was also known under the pseudonym Anne Cumming, which made her famous in the 80’s as a controversial novelist, after working for many years in the cinema business with prestigious figures such as Fellini and Zeffirelli. Zagami, who is known for a brilliant career as Leo Young in the media and music industry as a Record Producer, became quickly popular on the web in 2006, because of his direct involvement in the New World Order and Secret Societies known to the majority of us as the “Illuminati.” His blog rose...

James Fetzer x Myke Hideous x Dr. Paul Cottrell – EPISODE 211

    Episode 211: THIS IS GOING TO HURT   Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. Jim has appeared on more than 250 radio and talk shows discussing the death of JFK and various topics.   *Second Half* Paul joined the program to discuss all the latest developments with the coronavirus and if the mainstream media is keeping quiet about the reality of the situation. Paul Cottrell is a researcher in chaos theory and has interests in modeling financial markets.  Some have considered him a polymath of sorts.  Born in Detroit, Michigan he has extensive professional experience in engineering and design.  After retiring from automotive engineering he pursued interests in corporate finance involving the publishing, retail, and non-profit industries.  He currently is a proprietary trader specializing in currency and energy markets.

Eve Lorgen x JAnon x Paul Mamakos – The Alien Love Bite & Anomalous Trauma, Abductions & Alien Implants, Isaac Kappy?

    Episode 210: Crossing the Line    Eve Lorgen is a dedicated counseling and hypnotherapy professional, author, anomalous trauma researcher, Hatha yogi, and Taoist Chi Gong, practitioner. She began her pioneering work with alien abductees, “milabs” and mind control victims while earning her Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology in 1992. She also holds a BS in Biochemistry and worked in the Biotechnology industry for 7 years.  Eve started a support group in 1994 in San Diego County, CA for experiencers of anomalous trauma and continues to consult with anomalous trauma clients worldwide today while living in Western North Carolina. She was a close associate of the late Barbara Bartholic and is dedicated to continuing and expanding the work of the late Dr. Karla Turner. Anomalous Trauma is defined as traumatic events that are out of the normal range of human experience. These experiences may include alien abductions, near-death experiences, shamanic initiations, military abductions (milabs) mind control, spiritual warfare, demonic and psychic attacks, cult involvement and narcissistic abuse.  Early on in her career counseling alien abductees, she discovered a plethora of unusual experiences that often accompanied those who reported alien encounters and milabs. The most prominent aspect of Eve’s counseling and support is with those who are experiencing some form of alien or paranormal orchestrated love relationship issues, or what...