Jim Fetzer x David Dees

Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. After introductions, Jim got right to business. During the interview, David called in to the show and brought up the flat earth theory. *Second Half* Commercial artist, David Dees, with a family tree rooted in the deep southern states of Mississippi and Louisiana, was introduced to the world of art by watching alongside the easel of his father’s hobby of landscape and Civil War scene oil painting. After a brief stay in art school, Dees joined the staff at an Atlanta, Georgia graphic studio creating images for magazine and newspaper advertisements, but being an avid movie fan and with big dreams of designing Hollywood movie poster art, headed west to Los Angeles in 1984. (Orwell would have been proud.) Setting up freelance, specializing in airbrush illustration for the entertainment industry. Dees developed an arsenal of acrylic airbrushing techniques from super-realism to wacky high energy cartooning. Illustrating video and DVD covers, toy packaging, movie promo store displays, and children’s books, for the next 17 years Dees counted Paramount Studios, Warner Bros., Geffen Records, Hanna Barbera...

Happy Thanksgiving – John McAfee

      Episode 198: The Life & Times Of John McAfee   John McAfee is a world-renown computer scientist, activist, business leader, and cryptocurrency evangelist. McAfee’s career spans nearly the entire history of computing, with McAfee working for industry giants like Xerox, NASA, Univac, and Lockheed Martin. In 1987 he founded McAfee Antivirus, and under his leadership, the company executed a meteoric rise to the top of the computer security industry. Always at the cutting edge, McAfee now applies his passion, energy, and vision to evangelizing blockchain and cryptocurrency adoption. Speaking to a massive audience, McAfee’s tweets have earned the reputation of moving entire markets. McAfee uses this reach to encourage individuals to look beyond investing at all of the positive social change made possible by the blockchain.

Marshall Masters x Marilynn Hughes – California update, prophecies of end times, Kurt Cobain

    Episode 196: Sliver    Marshall Masters is a former Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Marilynn Hughes had a long-standing career in broadcasting as a news anchor, reporter, and producer. She has experienced, researched, written and taught about Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism since 1987 and has written more than 50 out-of-body-travel books. Topics include; Dreams, Visions, Premonitions, and Survival. Are these delusions or real experiences inspired by God? School Shootings & Kurt Cobain (Yes)

Philip Kraske x Andrew Radziewicz – 11/9, Revisiting 9/11, Former FDNY firefighter, psychic medium

      Episode 195: 11/9   A very casual conversation with the author of 11/9 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bonsai Trees. In his novel 11/9 and the Terrorist Who Loved Bonsai Trees, author and expatriate Philip Kraske wrote about an event similar to 9/11, a mirror image (hence the title 11/9), a government wanting to cover up the real motives of their own false flag, and a very average yet engaging girl who gets caught in the middle of it all and then is labeled a terrorist. In the second half, former NYC firefighter Joins the program to discuss much wilder experiences and 9/11 talk.  Andrew Raz a New York Firefighter, discusses his story from remembering his past life at 4 years old to a military sighting when he was 19 years old of two unidentified objects seen over the Gulf of Mexico by him and 20 other officers and crew of his Coast Guard crew, Including how his skin turns blue.    


        On 11/5/1975 a group of loggers in the mountains of northeastern Arizona observed a strange, unusually bright light in the sky. One of them, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck to take a closer look. Suddenly, as he walked toward the light, Walton was blasted back by a bolt of mysterious energy. His companions fled in fear. When they reported an encounter with a UFO–something they would have considered impossible if they had not witnessed it themselves–the men were suspected of murder. For five days authorities mounted a massive manhunt in search of Walton or his body. Then Walton reappeared, disoriented & initially unable to tell the whole story of his terrifying encounter. In Fire in the Sky Travis Walton relates in his own words the best-documented account of alien abduction yet recorded, the story of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of silent captors & his return to a disbelieving world of hostile interrogators, exploitative press & self-styled debunkers. Travis recounts the struggle to get a fair hearing & confronts his detractors with a stinging rebuttal.

Marshall Masters – California will sink into the ocean, PG&E disaster

      Episode 193: End Of Days Marshall is one of many who are experiencing the power shut down by PG&E. Marshall talks about the very grim situation many are facing in California. Keep in mind if it’s happening there, it can happen Where YOU ARE. As the conversation continues, Marshall explains the fireballs and earthquakes and other major earth changes that are slowly happening NOW. Trump’s impeachment inquiry is also a topic of interest. Marshall believes that we are living in a binary star system, our sun being one and Planet X being the other. He tells us about Nemesis, a small brown dwarf sun at the heart of the Planet X mini-constellation. He touches on the research of Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the US Naval Observatory, who died before he could publicize his findings on Planet X. Marshall says the Washington Post brutally humiliated the astronomers involved. Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble...