Marshall Masters – California will sink into the ocean, PG&E disaster

      Episode 193: End Of Days Marshall is one of many who are experiencing the power shut down by PG&E. Marshall talks about the very grim situation many are facing in California. Keep in mind if it’s happening there, it can happen Where YOU ARE. As the conversation continues, Marshall explains the fireballs and earthquakes and other major earth changes that are slowly happening NOW. Trump’s impeachment inquiry is also a topic of interest. Marshall believes that we are living in a binary star system, our sun being one and Planet X being the other. He tells us about Nemesis, a small brown dwarf sun at the heart of the Planet X mini-constellation. He touches on the research of Dr. Robert S. Harrington, chief astronomer of the US Naval Observatory, who died before he could publicize his findings on Planet X. Marshall says the Washington Post brutally humiliated the astronomers involved. Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble...

Norio Hayakawa x Michael Horn x Zombeast – Bob Lazar & Tom Delonge TTSA Disinformation? Billy Meier

    Episode 191:  Line In The Sand #4   In what turned out to be a classic episode with guest Norio Hayakawa, the conversation turned to the “UFO Community”, and what has been going on for the last several years. A phone call from Michael Horn not holding back and putting everyone on notice. A very animated night with many names being mentioned, this is something not to miss once again. Norio Hayakawa calls himself an unorthodox ufologist and activist. He has spent almost 10 years specifically investigating Area 51 in Nevada. He says that there is much more to Area 51 than just superficial facts made public about this well-known base. In 1990 he also began to investigate the strange goings-on at Dulce, New Mexico. After more than 45 years of researching the UFO phenomenon, he says that conditioning of belief systems has been orchestrated since 1947 by a manipulative force that is preparing mankind for a near-future mysterious scenario. The ingrained and “altered” realities behind both Area 51 and Dulce will play a role in that scenario. In March of 2009, he organized the first-ever Underground Base conference in Dulce, New Mexico. Second half the boys from “Zombeast”, took center stage.                        


  (Podcast Version)   Episode 189: It’s Flat?   From the flat earth to democrats rallying for impeachment, the conversation touches so many topics including the Hallow earth & lucifer. Jam-packed from start to finish, do not miss it. Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee’s show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth. Born in Boston, Lee moved to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio. For over thirty years, he’s crisscrossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations. In 2017, he wrote Morning Star’s Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of Recently, the Light Bearer disclosed the mysteries of his occultic kingdom, including the physical and spiritual laws that govern the universe. Knowing the vast majority of humans would reject his uncomfortable truth, the father of lies proceeded to write a book revealing the hidden secrets of antiquity. topics discussed on Outcast Radio. He is also the author of the book “Morning Star’s Tale”. Narrated by the Father of Lies, Morning Star’s Tale is Lucifer’s...

Joel Gilbert x Bobby Bladez – The Trayvon Hoax Unmasking the Witness Fraud That Divided America.

      Episode 187: Lies & Truth are in my head   In this stunning work of investigative journalism, filmmaker Joel Gilbert uncovers the true story of the shooting of Trayvon Martin, a case that divided America. By examining Trayvon’s 750-page phone records, Gilbert discovers that Rachel Jeantel, the key witness whose testimony led to the prosecution of George Zimmerman, was a fraud. Gilbert’s research takes him to the high schools of Miami Gardens, into the back alleys of Little Haiti, and finally to Florida State University where he finds Trayvon’s real girlfriend, Diamond Eugene, the girl who actually was on the phone with Trayvon in his final minutes. Gilbert confirms his revelations with forensic handwriting analysis and DNA testing. He then exposes in detail the most consequential hoax in recent judicial history and reveals how The Trayvon Hoax was ground zero for the downward spiral of race relations in America. This incredible film and book have the potential to bring America back together again. Joel Gilbert is a filmmaker based in Los Angeles and President of Highway 61 Entertainment. Gilbert is also a political commentator and foreign policy analyst. He has produced documentary feature films on Barack Obama, Dreams from My Real Father (2012), Progressive politics, There’s No Place Like Utopia (2014) and Donald Trump, Trump The Art of the Insult...

The Billy Meier Prophecies – Disclosure Not Happening, Truth Revealed About UFO Community, Entity Possession

        Episode 185: Punching Down Michael Horn, the authorized American media representative for reclusive Swiss UFO contactee Billy Meyer. Michael Horn spoke about Billy Meier’s prophecies and contracts with the Plejarians, as well as the controversies surrounding his work as Billy Meier’s representative. He also shared personal stories about his family life, filmmaking, and songwriting. Michael shares why he has been soured by the so-called “UFO Community”. Why he believes people like Corey Goode & Steven Greer to name a few, are complete “hacks”. Definitely not holding any punches back, it’s always a breath of fresh air to get real opinions with zero filters.  After the break, Robert Bruce Joined the Program. Robert Bruce, teacher, and author of numerous books and courses on astral projection, psychic self-defense, kundalini, and other spiritual topics, As always, Robert shared remarkable wisdom and anecdotes, and also discussed his most recent book, Defense Against the Dark Arts. He shared a powerful possession story & how you can get rid of an attached entity.

Max Igan x John Olsen – The Trials & Tribulations of Max Igan, Tales of the Paranormal & Reality

      Episode 184: A Moment Of Clarity   In what turned out to be an incredibly in-depth interview, He discussed his life and trials and tribulations. He also revealed something that he has never once has spoken about, trust me this is something you will never hear him talk about again. Max continues to inspire those around him near and far. Max talked about 5G, President Trump, Society & Jeffrey Epstein. MAX IGAN is a researcher, truth seeker, radio host, film-maker and one of the leaders of the global awakening movement. This man is a must listen to for all those serious about stopping the NWO in its tracks. His real given name remains anonymous and his second name is Maxwell. His last name also remains anonymous. The pen-name Max Igan that he has become known by is a combination of his middle name and his sons’ middle name. As a matter of interest, Igan is the original Irish spelling of the name Ian, and no, he does not have any Irish roots, he just liked the name. He decided upon the name Max Igan as his pen-name & internet identity as a tribute to his son and as a dedication to him. Any and all the work he has done on the internet he has done mainly for...

Marshall Masters X Leo Zagami – EP183

    Episode 183: Elohim Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. Leo is an ex-member of the Comitato Esecutivo Massonico – the Masonic Executive Committee – of Monte Carlo. Leo is writer and researcher is the son of Dr. Elio Zagami (1939-2010), known Jungian analyst, writer and co-founder of GAPA (Independent Group of Analytical Psychology, of which he was president). His grandfather was Senator Leopoldo Zagami, a Sicilian politician who was also a known historian and author, who married into the aristocratic family of the Marquis de Gregorio. Zagami, who is known for a brilliant career as Leo Young in the media and music industry as a Record Producer, became quickly popular on the web in 2006, because of his direct involvement in the New World Order and Secret Societies known to many of us as the “Illuminati.” His blog rose quickly and gained attention from people such as David Icke, for its accurate fully documented groundbreaking inside information.