E.A. Koetting X Paul Mamakos – Evocation, Demons & Spirits, Solomon’s Magick, Astral Projection
Episode 172: Becoming A Living God E.A. Koetting has invested over a dozen years studying the mysteries of the occult and their practical applications and has spent the last decade teaching and guiding others in their Ascent. Koetting is the author of several books on the esoteric, and has, over the past few years risen as a leader of the practical spirituality movement. Koetting has appeared nationally on syndicated and Internet radio shows. E.A. joined the program once again, this time shedding light on his personal life, along with summoning demons and spirits. Do not try this at home. Eric has been a very controversial figure, he is no stranger to scrutiny. Eric goes over the past and present times, why would anyone want to do this? Second Guest In 2017, Paul Mamakos summarized the three stages of out of body experience. The first stage being achieving an out-of-body experience and experiencing movement within the environment near the physical body. The second stage being going out and exploring outside ones house, going off planet, going into the planet and meeting other beings. In the third stage of OBEs, a person begins to notice the energy within another being as the same as that which is coming out of their own being....