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The very first episode has been created, so far the reception has been immensely positive. The content was absolutely hard hitting and truthfully gruesome. If you are a fan of the show and want the insight on the inception of this show, sign up for only $5. Completely RAW & UNCENSORED.

The Necronomicon, Sumerian Magick, Remembering Tracy Twyman, The Flat Earth Theory

      Episode 177: The Ancient Ones     JOSHUA FREE began participating in his planetary mission by receiving ‘unofficial’ personal apprenticeships from individual mentors who were, themselves, members (active or preexisting) of the Illuminati, Rosicrucian’s, Freemasons, Catholic Mystics, Christian Gnostics, Buddhist Monks, Freezoners (Scientology), the Dragon Court / Dragon Society, Theosophical Society, Aurum Solis, the GD (Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn), the O.T.O. (Ordo Templi Orientis) and/or the A.A. (Argentium Astrum) among others.   At the age of 12, JOSHUA FREE was officially initiated into the Pheryllt Druid tradition (based on the work of Douglas Monroe) and then began leading his own Druid-styled organization at 13. The following year he was installed to the ‘third degree’ of Celtic Wicca. In the mid-1990′s, he was even heralded the youngest initiate to join the “Order of Bards, Ovates and Druids” (OBOD), a large international organization based in England that New Age (Druidic) authors frequently cite.    JOSHUA FREE quickly became a controversial underground occult figure (as author Merlyn Stone) that advocated radically diverse approaches to Druidic Philosophy & Metaphysics — including active participation with the New Forest “Pheryllt” group of his primary Druidic mentor, Douglas Monroe, for which he was unseated from all positions (particularly OBOD) and disappeared from public view — all while still a teenager in the...

Dr. Louis Turi – 9/11 Predicted, Reptilius Possession, David Icke & Predictions 2019 Dates

      Episode 176: Cosmic Consciousness    Dr. Turi is a natural healer, a proficient author and a captivating speaker with profound predictive wisdom that astonish everyone. in 2016, Dr. Turi was visited in two occasions by the FBI for his unarguable terrorist attacks predictions. Like the great prophet, Nostradamus, Dr. Turi was born and raised in Provence, France. He was influenced by the Seer’s” 16th century Divine Astrology methodology and spent last 45 years re-kindling the great Seer’s rare disciplines and all its spiritual and natural therapeutic values. Dr. Turi was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who”s Who in America” as an accomplished hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and formidable motivational speaker. He has taught audiences on the supra-conscious creative forced in time and space and how to use its power to heal the body, mind and soul. Dr. Turi is a 10 years cancer survivor who refused chemotherapy and healed himself and people from all walks of life using Nostradamus’ natural blood transfusion. He speaks and teach of the cosmic face and celestial tools of the creator to better one’s life and warns the world with undeniable well documented predictions and the dated published printing process makes the proof of his predictions totally unarguable. He was recognized in the 2003 Marquis “Who’s Who in America” and has been the personal...

Eric Gajewski X Marilyn Hughes – Catholicism & Are extraterrestrials demonic? Astral Projection & Finding Purpose In Your Life

    Episode 175: You Are Connected To me    Michael welcomed Eric Gajewski to the program, He is the founder and owner of TradCatKnight the most followed and viewed traditional Catholic apostolate worldwide specializing in the message of Fatima, prophecy and the end times. He has been featured on various catholic/alternative news outlets. Eric remains one of the most highly controversial guests who have appeared on the program. With all the major earth changes ahead, Eric can’t help but feel that we are beginning to see the early stages of the end of days. Do not miss this one folks, so much more inside. Second Half Marilynn Hughes had a long-standing career in broadcasting as a news anchor, reporter, and producer. She has experienced, researched, written and taught about Out-of-Body Travel and Mysticism since 1987 and has written more than 50 out-of-body travel books.

Why Google is a Free Speech Terminator

Our nation is torn down the middle.  On one side, rage and anger over losing a Presidential election and on the other, grim determination to carry on.  Consequently, the fabric our nation has been ripped into doll rags. Depending on which news cycle we’re in, the finger is pointed at Russia and the rant that Trump is a Russia collusion tool.  Is there a Russian tool?  Hell yes, but not Trump. The Russian who worked to corrupt the election in 2016 and is ramping up a huge corporate machine to do the next is Russian-born Google co-founder, Sergey Mikhaylovich Brin, the 12th richest person in the world as of October 2016. Here is where Brin drew a line in the sand., Sept. 13, 2018 The Real Google Censorship Scandal It’s not about right-wing Americans. It’s about China. This week on the right-wing site Breitbart News, a video surfaced of one of Google’s weekly “T.G.I.F.” meetings, where employees and the leadership engage in heated debates over everything from healthier snack stations to the election of Donald Trump. Breitbart News described the 2016 video as a “smoking gun” because it showed Sergey Brin, the Google co-founder, telling everyone how he felt about the new leader of the free world. Spoiler: Not good. “Myself, as an immigrant, as a refugee, I certainly...

Marshall Masters X Mimi Johnson – Death By Asteroids? Planet X & Signs 38, Nemesis Cloud, CBD OIL

    Episode 173: Armageddon   Marshall joined the program to talk about the latest with his “signs 38 series”. “There is no doubt that there are stowaways in the Beta Taurids’ stream. However, the question is, how did they get there?” The answer is that we’re seeing a merging of the Nemesis cloud and the Beta Taurid swarm. Consequently, Earth is being pummeled by an unusually large amount of “asteroid dust” as the astronomers call it which is forcing noctilucent clouds below the Arctic into regions where we should not be seeing these clouds. Also a very emotional caller phoned in, we thank her tremendously for her call. Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including: sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future. The Second half featured Mimi Johnson who describes herself as an accidental entrepreneur. She has a patent on cannabis seed oil, she has set out to save the planet. She vows not to get involved with those linked to...