E.A. Koetting X Paul Mamakos – Evocation, Demons & Spirits, Solomon’s Magick, Astral Projection

    Episode 172: Becoming A Living God   E.A. Koetting has invested over a dozen years studying the mysteries of the occult and their practical applications and has spent the last decade teaching and guiding others in their Ascent. Koetting is the author of several books on the esoteric, and has, over the past few years risen as a leader of the practical spirituality movement. Koetting has appeared nationally on syndicated and Internet radio shows. E.A. joined the program once again, this time shedding light on his personal life, along with summoning demons and spirits. Do not try this at home. Eric has been a very controversial figure, he is no stranger to scrutiny. Eric goes over the past and present times, why would anyone want to do this?       Second Guest        In 2017, Paul Mamakos summarized the three stages of out of body experience. The first stage being achieving an out-of-body experience and experiencing movement within the environment near the physical body. The second stage being going out and exploring outside ones house, going off planet, going into the planet and meeting other beings. In the third stage of OBEs, a person begins to notice the energy within another being as the same as that which is coming out of their own being....

Miesha Johnston – Aliens & Abduction Cases, The Mainstream Media & UFOs

      Episode 170: Ascension  Miesha shared her remarkable story, along with what she believes is going on with the mainstream media & UFO’s.  Miesha facilitates two groups monthly in Las Vegas: Starseed Experiencer Group and Starseed Awakening and Psychic Awareness. In 1991, she founded the STAR FAMILY CONTACTEE GROUPS. She started the first teen and children’s groups in the United States in 1991 She was director of U.F.O.C.C.I. (UFO CONTACT CENTER INTERNATIONAL) and CELESTIAL CONTACTS OF NEVADA from 1990 to 1998 She was a working group member of Steven Greer’s C.S.E.T.I. In Las Vegas, Nevada. She was the Coordinator of the Art Bell Chat Club San Diego Chapter. she was doing research for a book, with Melinda Leslie on the subject of MILAB & MK-Ultra in the Extraterrestrial experience but had to quit, due to extreme government threats to her and her family. She is back and going strong and has written her audio biography. She believes that Planet Earth is evolving into the next dimension are we ready! You realize you truly just a “spiritual soul having a human experience”. She is working with some other people in Las Vegas, on a futuristic school. “The Thrive Learning Center of Nevada” will be a school to allow learning to happen naturally and allow learning to happen at each...

Bruce Beach X Kyle Hester – Underground Bunkers, UFO’s & Hysteria? Indie Films & Hollywood

      Episode 169: Hollywood Dreaming   Born April 14th, 1934 in Winfield, Kansas. Honourable discharge after four years active duty and four years reserve USAF. Radiological Scientific Officer. Graduated Southwestern College, Winfield. Master’s degree in Economics from Texas Christian University. Taught in black colleges in the Southern US and in Northern Colleges in Canada. Built Ark Two in Horning’s Mills, Ontario – home of wife’s family since 1800’s. Over twenty descendants. Founder and coordinator of the World Language Process. Has traveled to Europe, South America, Japan, and China. Bruce Beach, began constructing the 10,000 sq ft Ark Two shelter in the early 1980s during the height of the Cold War. It’s the largest nuclear fallout shelter in North America. The self-confessed ‘survivalist’ says he fully expects the world to descend into nuclear war and is surprised it hasn’t happened in the decades he has been preparing his mega bunker. He has appeared on the 2012 Netflix documentary ‘Doomsday Preppers’ where he talks through his plans should the world end and how he has prepared for various catastrophic scenarios.     *Second Half*     Kyle Hester Kyle Hester was born in New Orleans La. to a professional football player father (Ray Hester of the New Orleans Saints) and a cheerleader mother (Hollis Huntoon). His inspiration to act came...

Ken Klein X Florida Correspondent – End Times Prophecy, Millionaire Pastors & The VIew w/ Meghan McCain

Episode 169: End Times? Author and documentary filmmaker Ken Klein has thousands of followers on his online university and millions view his films. Ken Klein’s interest in film production and writing came after stumbling into the writings of ancient prophets. Ken takes on life’s greatest mysteries, rips the cover off, and exposes them through fascinating and riveting films and books. New York City is the story world of the great intrigue and holds the clues to a remarkable story. Why? Because NYC is the Citadel of world commerce, the home state of the Trump-eter, but most importantly it is the residence of the Great Beast; the United Nations, the nerve center for the globalization of the planet earth. All the pieces fit together tightly, in high definition, in the DEEP STATE PROPHECY AND THE LAST TRUMP. After the break, The official Florida correspondent joined the program. All things are as expected in the 305, crime & sin for all the family. What is wrong with Meghan McCain? Find out inside……

Dr. James Perloff X Dr. Frank Albo – 9/11 & The Illuminati

    Episode 168: Hidden In Plain Sight Dr. James Perloff Joined Michael Decon, for yet another extraordinary episode. James Perloff is the author of The Shadows of Power, a private influence on American foreign policy that has sold over 100,000 copies, and two books about the evidence against Darwin’s theory of evolution, including Tornado in a Junkyard. He wrote for The New American magazine for nearly three decades. His newest book, Truth Is a Lonely Warrior, is a comprehensive look at the satanic drive for world government. He also wrote the script for Free Mind Films’ new documentary ShadowRing, released last year, and was the lead speaker at the 2015 New York City LibertyFest. His website is Topics include; Darwinism, Religion, Conspiracy Theories …… (UFOs & The Paranormal) Second Half Dr. Frank Albo is an architectural historian and an expert on communicating new streams of knowledge in relation to the built environment and the cultures of the past. He holds graduate degrees in ancient Near Eastern languages, Western esotericism, and the history of art, receiving his PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2012. Dr. Albo’s approach to architecture, landscape, and design seeks to transform public spaces into interactive journeys of discovery, which elevate the mind and promote a sense of wonder and inspiration. He was featured as...

Scott Henderson X Max Cole

        Episode 167: California Dreaming    Michael Welcomed Scott Henderson to the program. The theory that the moon landings were hoaxed by the US government to assert their victory in the space race over Russia, is something which has grown in popularity over time. Recent polls indicate that approximately 20% of Americans believe that the U.S. has never landed on the moon. After the Apollo missions ended in the seventies, why haven’t we ever been back? Will We ever go back? Scott presents a series of images released by NASA, however, these photographs were never intended for public consumption. It’s almost like they forgot entirely about these photographs down through time. Examining these photographs closely, you’ll begin to wonder….. if we really went to the moon after all. On the second half of the program, Michael welcomed veteran guest Max Cole. Max is film director and producer, who has won multiple awards for his short films. He is from the Los Angeles area. Michael and Max begin with talking about show business & the delusions it brings. Online dating & where it tends to lead, it’s all covered here.

  Episode 166: History Repeats itself   Hancock is a leading historian-researcher in the JFK assassination. He co-authored, with Connie Kritzberg, “November Patriots” and is the author of the acclaimed “Someone Would Have Talked”, now in its third, 2010, edition. His newest work is titled “NEXUS” and is a concise historical study of how political assassination evolved within the Central Intelligence Agency,There is simply no doubt that unidentified aerial objects were taken seriously by military intelligence. Over some three decades, both military and civilian intelligence groups used the standard methods of conventional and technical intelligence to resolve what was officially stated to be a serious security and air defense problem. Those well-established methods failed, frustrating those involved in investigations and creating serious public relations and credibility problems for the U.S. Air Force. Ultimately the only solution to the UFO problem was to simply abandon it. In the end the intellectual challenge of highly anomalous “unknowns” – unconventional aerial objects internally and confidentially described in both Air Force and CIA reports as national security threats – had literally beaten the system.   One of the strangest things kept occurring during the interview, the keyword was “Russia”. Anytime the conversation would get into Russia, the audio would cut off. The interview was able to continue, but the conversation on Russia had to...