Gary Leggiere – John B. Wells Exposed?

    Episode 165: Caravan to the toilet In this episode Gary “The Mad Martian”, joined the program for another exciting journey through time. Gary begins by telling us about himself and the severe importance of what has been suppressed and will continue to be suppressed if no one continues to question it. Topics of disclosure, faces on mars and if we are ever actually going to mars or the moon ever again. Dark matters were addressed, the issue is with John B. Wells …. Real Or Phony? I’ll let you decide.

Max Igan X James Fetzer

    Episode 163: Wi-Vi   Max Igan currently resides in a remote valley in Southern Queensland, Australia. Max originally restricted himself to his Crowhouse podcasts preferring the relative anonymity of this particular medium. However, the popularity of Max’s broadcasts led to numerous invitations to speak at various events across the globe. Max agreed and has been sharing his insight and observations with live audiences for the past three years. Max has produced two full-length films, ‘The Awakening’ (2011) & ‘Trance-Formation’ (2012), both of which have been widely acclaimed and watched by well over one million viewers worldwide. On The second half of the program, James Fetzer joins the program for another essential update.

Raymond Szymanski – 50 Shades of greys, Wright Patterson Air Force Base, The Phoenix Lights

    Itunes Sticher CastBox   Episode 162: 50 Shades of Greys Raymond Szymanski joined Michael & Mike Rogers, on the program. Ray discussed his background and what initially lead him to his career. Classic ufo cases were discussed along with, the legitimacy of the talk conference circuit. This will not be one to miss. Respected Scientist, Paranormal Researcher, Author, Public Speaker “I worked at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base for nearly 40 years and retired in 2011 as a Senior Scientist/Engineer. During my decades of studying the UFO phenomena I encountered an excess of poorly researched and documented narrative certain to confuse and discourage anyone interested in the topic. My mission is to present original, first-person research and documented evidence that launches others into their own quest for the truth.” “My first book, Fifty Shades of Greys: Evidence of Extraterrestrial Visitation to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base and Beyond has been lauded by several of the world’s best paranormal researchers, Nick Pope, Yvonne Smith, Paul Davids and Preston Dennett, who say: ” A fun and informative book.” “Praise for Fifty Shades.” “Important to UFOlogy.” “Laugh out loud funny.” Their full endorsements are published on the back cover of the book”.


  Eugene Michael Jones is an American writer, former professor, media commentator and the current editor of Culture Wars magazine (formerly Fidelity Magazine). Jones is known for his writings from a perspective which defends the Catholic Church in American society and overviews the decline of the Catholic communities which were assimilated into the secular American mainstream after the 1950s. He has written widely on the sexual revolution, capitalism, the history of the Catholic Church and its relation to Jews as well as on wider cultural issues. Jones’s work has primarily been concerned with the relationship between the Catholic Church and secular culture, particularly the effects of the sexual revolution on the Church and the culture. Later work has focused on the historical friction between the Catholic Church and Jews. In 2004, the Catholic League ”condemned Jones’s antisemitism and repudiated his efforts to justify it in the name of Catholic theology”. In February 2008, another complaint of antisemitism (from the Southern Poverty Law Center) caused the School of Architecture at The Catholic University of America to cancel a lecture series in which Jones was scheduled to speak. Jones has denied accusations of antisemitism and says that any form of racism is against his Catholic faith He has stated publicly that he considers modern Judaism to be a wicked ideology, but he condemns criticism of Jews...

Marshall Masters – Planet X, 2 Suns in the Sky & Q

      Episode 159: Planet X    Marshall Masters is a former CNN Science Features news producer, freelance writer, television analyst and the publisher of YOWUSA.COM. Since 1999, he has been researching earth changes and Nibiru flyby-related topics including sustainable survival communities, catastrophic crop circles, impact events, and future technologies. Like many others, Marshall sees a dark cloud coming. What makes him different is that he also sees a silver lining – a noble and inspiring Star Trek future.  Marshall walks us through his extensive background. Marshall’s main focus is “how are people going to survive, what’s coming”. Marshall is bringing awareness, his new 3 part series “Two Suns in the sky”. A calming video, although This is The End Of Life As We know it. How Can We Prepare for what is to come, Hide in A Bunker? Preparedness is a state of mind Marshall reminds us. Will a bunker keep you safe? The possibility of an EMP attack or solar flare is beyond reality.  Many have heard about Q and The Great Awakening and but only now are we seeing a Planet X connection and its good news for humankind. This is because as the Great Awakening unfolds, this global movement will dramatically change the future in terms of who lives and who dies during and after...

Norman Ohler – Drug Use In The Third Reich, Hitler’s Usage

      Episode 158: Blitzed Norman Ohler is an award-winning German novelist, screenwriter, and journalist. He spent five years researching Blitzed in numerous archives in Germany and the United States, and spoke to eye-witnesses, military historians, and doctors. He is also the author of the novels Die Quotenmaschine (the world’s first hypertext novel), Mitte and Stadt des Goldes (translated into English as Ponte City). He was co-writer of the script for Wim Wenders’ film Palermo Shooting.     The Nazi regime preached an ideology of physical, mental, and moral purity. Yet as Norman Ohler reveals in this gripping new history, the Third Reich was saturated with drugs: cocaine, opiates, and, most of all, methamphetamines, which were consumed by everyone from factory workers to housewives to German soldiers. In fact, troops were encouraged, and in some cases ordered, to take rations of a form of crystal meth—the elevated energy and feelings of invincibility associated with the high even help to account for the breakneck invasion that sealed the fall of France in 1940, as well as other German military victories. Hitler himself became increasingly dependent on injections of a cocktail of drugs—ultimately including Eukodal, a cousin of heroin—administered by his personal doctor. 

Susan Martinez X Myke Hideous – Episode 157

  Podcast Version: Cast Box Google overcast     Episode 157: The Unexplained   Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., earned her doctorate in anthropology at Columbia University, where she also served as a lecturer in ethnolinguistics. She is the book review editor at the Academy of Spiritual and Consciousness Studies and the author of The Psychic Life of Abraham Lincoln, The Hidden Prophet, Time of the Quickening, and The Lost History of the Little People. A contributor to Forbidden Science and Darklore, her work also appears in Atlantis Rising, FATE, and New Dawn magazines.   Documenting the life of wandering spirits and their impact on vulnerable human targets, Susan Martinez offers a radical departure from the standard psychological explanations for a host of pathological behaviors–including multiple personality, autism, epilepsy, migraines, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD, self-destructive urges, and strange outbursts–and reveals that hallucinations are often true impressions of spirit input. Martinez explains how mental health comes down to the delicate balance between self-control and spirit-control.   When trauma triggers an escape response, the soul takes flight, leaving the mind susceptible to possession by discarnate entities. However, the spirit world can also bestow gifts upon those whose psyches are open, such as in the case of mediums, shamans, people who communicate with angels, and many of the...

Susan Martinez X Myke Hideous Live Saturday Night 7 pm pst – 10 pm est

      Susan B. Martinez, Ph.D., is a writer, linguist, teacher, and paranormal researcher with a doctorate in anthropology from Columbia University. The author of several books, including Time of the Quickening, she lives in Clayton, Georgia. A very helpful book that will guide you to open your spiritual vision to protect yourself from and benefit from the entities that inhabit the spirit world.” –Robert R. Hieronimus, PH.D., coauthor of The Secret Life of Lady Liberty: Goddess in the New World and cohost of 21st Century Radio Davise We are spirits housed in a body, and just as houses can be haunted, so can people. When the living succumb to dissociative states of consciousness, they become a magnet for lost but clinging spirits. Known as jinn, dybbuk, daemon, wuqabi, or simply the undead, they hover unseen on the earth plane, ready to inhabit the most suitable body available. Documenting the life of wandering spirits and their impact on vulnerable human targets, Susan Martinez offers a radical departure from the standard psychological explanations for a host of pathological behaviors–including multiple personality, autism, epilepsy, migraines, obsessive compulsive disorder, depression, schizophrenia, anxiety, PTSD, self-destructive urges, and strange outbursts–and reveals that hallucinations are often true impressions of spirit input. Martinez explains how mental health comes down to the delicate balance between self-control and...