Episode 156: No Commercial Value

      Episode 156: No Commercial Value Jim Fetzer is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota, Duluth, and has published extensively in the philosophy of science. Jim has edited three books on the death of JFK which include Assassination Science, Murder in Dealey Plaza, and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax. He also maintains a website devoted to this and related subjects at In addition, Jim has appeared on more than 250 radio and talk shows discussing the death of JFK. Jim Fetzer dissects the JFK assassination & gives an update on his lawsuit against “Sandy Hook Parent”. 9-11 & The New Zealand shooting unveiled.

Benjamin Fulford – Exclusive Interview Inside [EP 155]

Episode 155: Committee of 300 is a geopolitical news and discussion website from a reporter and investigative journalist Benjamin Fulford.  Reports are based on information from a broad range of sources including the yakuza, MI6, the Freemasons, the CIA, the KGB, Mossad, the triads, the Chinese government, Japanese military intelligence, etc.  We go by the motto, “if it appears in writing, somebody has beaten us to the story.”  The reports provide updates and summaries of the latest events in the ongoing secret war for control of planet Earth.   Qualifications:  20 years of experience as a professional writer and journalist.  Have sold over 500,000 non-fiction books written in Japanese.  Have produced a comprehensive catalog of scoops in the field ranging from business to yakuza gangsters to high finance to government corruption.  Now focused on exposing U.S. manipulation of Japanese politics, media, and education through a combination of bribes, murder, brainwashing, etc.  My goal is to counter U.S. propaganda and expose the Japanese people to the truth so that they may free themselves from the colonial yoke and use their $5 trillion in overseas holdings to end world poverty and save the environment. Podcast: iTunes Spotify CastBox Stitcher google

Andy Jardine Episode 153

        Episode 153:  Creatio Ex Nihilo  Joined by Andy Jardine, a resident of the U.K. Now living in Spain. He joined the program to detailed his trials and tribulations. His ongoing issues with his wife and having screws in his ankles. He then discussed his book “Annunaki genesis”. He talked about the importance of Carl Sagan and Voyager 1.  How Sagan incorporated the Sumerian language. Michael asked if he believed in evolution? Andy revealed that he subscribes to the ancient astronaut theory.  Michael talked about the bible & if we should get rid of all religion in America? What impact would that have on the nation? Complete chaos or what ??? Andy predicts pure chaos. The conversation moved on to the Moon. Remote viewers hired by the C.I.A. to investigate what’s on mars and other planets. 


    Lee Austin is an American broadcaster known for his alternative talk show, Outcast Radio. Pushing the existential envelope with topics including theology, metaphysics, and conspiracy theories, Lee’s show flourished as a late-night favorite for those in search of the truth. Born in Boston, Lee move to Los Angeles in his early twenties to pursue a career as a stand-up comedian. With the entertainment bug firmly planted, Lee found his calling in radio. For over thirty years, he’s crisscrossed the country as a talk show host, disc-jockey, copy-writer and program director for numerous radio stations. In 2017, he wrote Morning Star’s Tale, a sci-fi novella, covering many of topics discussed on Outcast Radio.


      Leo Lyon Zagami, writer and researcher is the son of Dr. Elio Zagami (1939- 2010), known Jungian analyst, writer and co- founder of GAPA (Independent Group of Analytical Psychology, of which he was president). His grandfather was Senator Leopoldo Zagami, a Sicilian politician who was also a known historian and author, who married into the the aristocratic family of the Marquis de Gregorio. Leo’s mother is Jessica Lyon Young, a member of the family of the Queen Mother of England. Her father, Henry Lyon Young was also a writer. Felicity Mason, mother, Leo’s maternal grandmother, helped Leo in developing his talents since a young age. Felicity was an old time collaborator and friend of avant-garde eccentrics such as William Burroughs and Brion Gysin. She was also known under the pseudonym Anne Cumming, which made her famous in the 80’s as a controversial novelist, after working for many years in the cinema business with prestigious figures such as Fellini and Zeffirelli. Zagami, who is known for a brilliant career as Leo Young in the media and music industry as a Record Producer, became quickly popular on the web in 2006, because of his direct involvement in the New World Order and Secret Societies known to the majority of us as the “Illuminati.” His blog rose quickly and gained...


      Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. A magna cum laude graduate of Princeton who majored in philosophy, he earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. He has received many awards and forms of recognition for his teaching and scholarship. McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11, and the plane crash that killed US Sen. Paul Wellstone. The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his latest books include The Evolution of Intelligence (2005), The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), Render Unto Darwin (2007), and The Place of Probability in Science (2010).

Bernie Taylor x Michael Baker Episode 150

  Episode 150: A hero’s tale Bernie Taylor is an independent naturalist, thought leader and author whose research explores the mythological connections and biological knowledge among prehistoric, indigenous and ancient peoples. Bernie discussed the ancient astronaut theory, as well as the caves of Castillo. The importance of Joesph Campbell & Carl Jung.   🔥 Second half 🔥 Michael Baker joined the program. He is the host of the podcast “The Sedated man”. He discussed the V.A. & toxic masculinity. Listen to his show.   🎧 You can hear the Podcast Version below. 🎧 iTunes Castbox Stitcher