Live here Saturday night 8 pm pst – 11 pm est   or   Matthew Stein Author, engineer, designer, and green builder, Matthew Stein was born and raised in Burlington Vermont. His parents started him walking on skis at age three, hiking at age 5, backpacking at age seven, hunting at age 10, rock climbing and extreme skiing at age 11. The Green mountains of Vermont, White mountains of New Hampshire, and the Adirondack’s of upstate New York were his four-season childhood play grounds. After graduating from MIT in 1978, where he majored in Mechanical Engineering, the lure of the “real mountains” of the west drew Mat across the country to California. Always enjoying work with his hands, and being outside in the wilderness, Mat found it stifling to go to work as a design engineer in Silicon Valley, pushing pencils day after day. So, he took breaks from engineering off-and-on for several years to be a carpenter, climb the vertical walls of Yosemite, and teach skiing and High School math. In the mid eighties, after lots of stress and lost hair, he bailed from designing disc drives in Silicon Valley to a ten-acre homestead in the foothills of the Sierras. Mat has built hurricane and earthquake resistant, energy efficient, environmentally friendly homes.  He has...

Brooks Agnew – Episode 135

    Episode 135: Uranium Fever   Michael welcomed master engineer, writer, and lecturer Brooks Agnew to the program. Brooks is the host of X-Squared Radio and author of numerous books and novels, including his trilogy Bearth: Two Earths, One Race For Time. His latest book is “Charm of Favor: A true story of the rise of the Clinton Crime Syndicate”. Always a great conversationalist, Brooks had plenty to share, including the latest developments in the world of electric vehicles & his electric puck up truck. He also had some strong opinions about the current political climate, and society. The war on drugs was discussed, his thoughts and opinions on marijuana. After the break, Michael and Paul picked up were things left off. Astrophysicist and TV personality Neil deGrasse Tyson has disputed allegations of sexual misconduct by three women. Driver-less cars, and more strange news from Florida.


        You can watch the live stream right here 8pm pst – 11 pm est Brooks A. Agnew was born and raised in southern California and joined the Air Force in 1973. He graduated 2nd in his class in Electronics Engineering. Beginning his university studies at University of North Dakota, he continued to Brigham Young University, then to Western Kentucky University, and finally to Tennessee Technological University where he graduated with honors in Chemistry. He also graduated first in his class for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Tennessee Tech School of Business. He completed a Masters Degree in Quality (statistics) and a PhD in Physics through online universities. His professional career includes more than 25 years in the manufacturing industry as an automotive platform launch engineer and quality engineer. He was a consultant to Tier I and Tier II suppliers to Toyota, GM, Chrysler, and Nissan. He is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt with more than $500 million in completed projects and continues to consult with many of America’s largest corporations. He served as an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at Gaston College in North Carolina. He holds 4 patents, trade secrets, and proprietary knowledge in numerous industries including Chemistry, chemical engineering, sub-space communications, electric vehicle technology, and architecture. He has 10 books in print...

Dr. Michael Aquino – Episode 134

      Episode 134: 3 Michael’s Don’t Make A Right   Michael A. Aquino is a Lt. Colonel, Psychological Operations, U.S. Army (Ret.). He is a graduate of the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University; Defense Intelligence College, Defense Intelligence Agency; Foreign Service Institute, Department of State; U.S. Army Special Warfare Center (Special Forces (“Green Beret”)/Psychological Operations/Civil Affairs/Foreign Area Officer); U.S. Army Command & General Staff College; U.S. Army Intelligence School, and U.S. Army Space Institute. Michael ask’s Dr. Aquino about the wildfires in California and the occasional, walking on human feces on the sidewalks of San Francisco. (lovely) Special Co-Host Myke Hideous, took duty.  Dr. Aquino takes us into his extensive background, starting from academic and military background. He also discusses the afterlife, He talks about his childhood and how he came to discover the church of Satan. He discusses how he broke away from the Church of Satan, to form The Temple of Set. He was deeply affected by LaVeys passing.   Michael Aquino     Podcast Anchor iTunes CastBox Stitcher GooglePodcasts       Buy The Book

Michael Aquino LIVE 11/17/18 Streaming Live On YouTube

Watch it LIVE HERE Michael Aquino makes his return to the program.   Born in 1946, Michael Aquino was a military intelligence officer specializing in psychological warfare. In 1969 he joined Anton LaVey‘s Church of Satan and rose rapidly through the group’s ranks. In 1970, while he was serving with the U.S. military during the Vietnam War, Aquino was stationed in Bến Cát in South Vietnam when he authored a tract entitled “Diabolicon” in which he reflected upon his growing divergence from the Church of Satan’s doctrines. In this tract, teachings about the creation of the world, God, and humanity are presented, as is the dualistic idea that Satan complements God. The character of Lucifer is presented as bringing insight to human society, a perspective that was inherited from the depiction of Lucifer in John Milton‘s seventeenth-century epic poem Paradise Lost. By 1971 Aquino was ranked as a Magister Caverns of the IV° within the group’s hierarchy, was editor of its publication The Cloven Hoof, and sat on its governing Council of Nine. In 1973 he rose to the previously unattained rank of Magister Templi of IV°.According to the scholars of Satanism Per Faxneld and Jesper Petersen, Aquino had become LaVey’s “right-hand man”. He had nevertheless developed concerns about the Church of Satan, feeling that it had attracted many “fad-followers,...

Kaiser – Episode 133

    Episode 133: The End Of Days On this episode, A very special friend joins the program. Mr. Kaiser. It’s a veteran’s day special. We discussed everything under the sun, including the political field. Second Half, Joe Rupe of the Fringe FM joined in. A very uncensored and offensive, Veterans day special with callers from all across the land. Don’t Miss it. A special thank you to all those who have served.        Listen to the Podcast Version   iTunes CastBox Stitcher Google podcasts  RadioPublic      


  You can watch the live stream right here 8pm pst – 11 pm est Brooks A. Agnew was born and raised in southern California and joined the Air Force in 1973. He graduated 2nd in his class in Electronics Engineering. Beginning his university studies at University of North Dakota, he continued to Brigham Young University, then to Western Kentucky University, and finally to Tennessee Technological University where he graduated with honors in Chemistry. He also graduated first in his class for Entrepreneurial Studies at the Tennessee Tech School of Business. He completed a Masters Degree in Quality (statistics) and a PhD in Physics through online universities. His professional career includes more than 25 years in the manufacturing industry as an automotive platform launch engineer and quality engineer. He was a consultant to Tier I and Tier II suppliers to Toyota, GM, Chrysler, and Nissan. He is a Six Sigma Master Black Belt with more than $500 million in completed projects and continues to consult with many of America’s largest corporations. He served as an Adjunct Professor of Mathematics at Gaston College in North Carolina. He holds 4 patents, trade secrets, and proprietary knowledge in numerous industries including Chemistry, chemical engineering, sub-space communications, electric vehicle technology, and architecture. He has 10 books in print with 7 best-sellers....

James Fetzer X Myke Hideous – Episode 132

    Episode 132: Political Kaleidoscope   Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. A magna cum laude graduate of Princeton who majored in philosophy, he earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. He has received many awards and forms of recognition for his teaching and scholarship. McKnight Professor Emeritus at the University of Minnesota Duluth, he has also conducted extensive research into the assassination of JFK, the events of 9/11, and the plane crash that killed US Sen. Paul Wellstone. The founder of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, his latest books include The Evolution of Intelligence (2005), The 9/11 Conspiracy (2007), Render Unto Darwin (2007), and The Place of Probability in Science (2010).   Second Half Myke Hideous is an American gothic rock singer and songwriter from New Jersey. He is the founder and frontman of the East Coast gothic rock band The Empire Hideous, which was active throughout the 1990s and into the early 2000s. He also performed with The Bronx Casket Co., Spy Society 99 and the Misfits as a fill-in vocalist (May–July 1998: South American and European tours).   Hideous auditioned for the Misfits’ original reformation in 1995, losing out to Michale Graves. The...