The Lost Sessions – James Fetzer

The Fabled episode 86, This was removed from YouTube nearly immediately, after uploading to the original channel. Here is your chance to listen in before it gets pulled, make sure to subscribe to the backup YouTube channel.   Technical difficulties plagued the program once again, but everything must continue forward. James gives us an update on the recent tragedy in Florida. He also has new information on Sandy Hook and the JFK assassination, his opinion on SpaceX. Michael mentions the constant harassment from youtube and the sandy hook interview, that was immediately removed. “It was bad enough when the purported Douglas High School shooter showed up wearing a MAGA hat to create a cartoon simple enough for most American’s to “get it”: This is what Trump means by “Making America Great Again”! But (State of the Nation *website*) has done the nation a valuable service by exposing the most ludicrous elements of another in a seemingly endless series of fabricated shootings, this time, like Sandy Hook, at another school, only not a CT elementary but a FL high school, “where the shooter has been reported to have been speaking with another student at the time the shooting.

Mike Rogers Episode 121

        Episode 121: Fire In The Sky   On November 5, 1975, a group of loggers in the mountains of northeastern Arizona observed a strange, unusually bright light in the sky. One of those men, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck (Van) to take a closer look. Suddenly, as he walked toward the light, Walton was blasted back by a mysterious energy. The driver was Mike Rogers, the crew foreman and a personal friend of Walton’s. While fleeing the scene, Rogers reported looking back and seeing a luminous object lift out of the forest and speed rapidly toward the horizon. He, along with the other five witnesses, would eventually be subjected to polygraph (lie detection) examinations regarding the event, the successful outcomes of which catapulted the case into the national spotlight. In A rare interview, Mike Rogers takes us back to the night that would become, one of the most famous UFO cases in the world. Later Mike has an opinion on the Phoenix lights incident. The Phoenix Lights occurred on March 13, 1997, and was an event that caused tremendous speculation.   *Second Half* It was yet another segment of endless pontification, this time it was familiar faces we’ve all come to love and acknowledge. Florida correspondent Vanessa was on the scene, if...

Mike Rogers – Live Saturday 8 pm pst – 11 pm est

On November 5, 1975 in Snowflake, Arizona, loggerTravis Walton (D. B. Sweeney), and his co-workers—Mike Rogers (Robert Patrick), Allan Dallis (Craig Sheffer), David Whitlock (Peter Berg), Greg Hayes (Henry Thomas) and Bobby Cogdill (Bradley Gregg)—head to work in the White Mountains. Driving home from work, the men come across an unidentified flying object. Curious to learn more, Walton gets out of the truck and is struck by a bright beam of light from the object and is sent flying several feet backwards as if pushed by an unseen force. Fearing Walton was just killed, the others flee the scene. Rogers decides to go back to the spot to retrieve Walton, but he is nowhere to be found. Making their way back to town to report the incident, the loggers are met with skepticism, as they relate what sounds like a tall tale to Sheriff Blake Davis (Noble Willingham) and Lieutenant Frank Watters (James Garner). They are suspected of foul playdespite no apparent motive or knowledge of Walton’s whereabouts. After interviewing the men, Lieutenant Watters realizes there is a great deal of tension between Walton and Dallis, leading him to believe this might be a murder investigation. The Lieutenant also discovers a tabloid newspaper in their truck with headlines about aliens, hinting that they used the article to concoct their story. The men are accused of murder and are threatened by Travis’...

Take the program with you anywhere

I will occasionally get e-mails inquiring, about the podcast version of the program. I felt it would be necessary to remind those out there, where they can find the program. We are now  available  on the following platforms. (No show 8/25/18) Please do not forget to donate to help lower server fees, Every dollar is spent on keeping all costs to a minimal. Thank you kindly.  DONATE iTunes: Google Podcasts: Spotify: Breaker: Castbox: Overcast: RadioPublic: Stitcher:

Robert Stanley Episode 120

    Episode 120: Pacific Coast Highway   Robert Stanley is Formerly a corporate journalist for HONDA Research & Development, Robert is currently employed as a corporate editor for an international social compliance service. He is the author of two ground-breaking books: Close Encounters on Capitol Hill and Covert Encounters in Washington, D.C. He is the web master of UNICUS And he is the host of The UNICUS Radio Hour.

Eric Gajewski Episode 119

    Episode 119: Occultis Aperta   Michael welcomed Eric Gajewski to the program, He is the founder and owner of TradCatKnight the most followed and viewed traditional Catholic apostolate worldwide specializing in the message of Fatima, prophecy and the end times. He has been featured on various catholic/alternative news outlets. He is also the host of the TRADCATKNIGHT DAILY PODCAST.

John Lear Episode 118

  Episode 118: Dreamland   On this episode, John Lear made his return back to the program. John Lear is a retired airline captain and former CIA pilot, as well as the son of the famous inventor of the Lear Jet. He is a former Lockheed L-1011 Captain and is highly regarded in aviation circles. He has flown over 150 aircraft and has earned every certificate granted by the Federal Aviation Administration. John also held 18 world speed records and has worked for 28 different Aircraft Corporations. During the late 1980s and early 1990s, John began coming forward with some startling revelations concerning the subject of aerial phenomena and Unidentified Flying Objects. John is the son of William P. Lear, designer of the Lear Jet executive aircraft, the 8-track stereo, and founder of Lear Inc. (now Lear-Siegler Corp., a large defense contractor). He wrote extensively about airplanes and other subjects and was Middle East correspondent for “Combat Illustrated” between 1975 and 1977 while stationed in Lebanon with a cargo airline. Mr. Lear retired in 2001 having flown over 150 different types of aircraft and as an airline pilot having flown over 19,500 hours in 60 countries for 25 different airlines. John’s Dad, William P. Lear, Sr. was President and Chairman of the Board of Lear, Inc. who in 1952 became the...

James Fetzer Episode 117

  Episode 117: Cognitive Dissonance    Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. A magna cum laude graduate of Princeton who majored in philosophy, he earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. He has received many awards and forms of recognition for his teaching and scholarship.