The Lost Sessions – James Fetzer
The Fabled episode 86, This was removed from YouTube nearly immediately, after uploading to the original channel. Here is your chance to listen in before it gets pulled, make sure to subscribe to the backup YouTube channel. Technical difficulties plagued the program once again, but everything must continue forward. James gives us an update on the recent tragedy in Florida. He also has new information on Sandy Hook and the JFK assassination, his opinion on SpaceX. Michael mentions the constant harassment from youtube and the sandy hook interview, that was immediately removed. “It was bad enough when the purported Douglas High School shooter showed up wearing a MAGA hat to create a cartoon simple enough for most American’s to “get it”: This is what Trump means by “Making America Great Again”! But (State of the Nation *website*) has done the nation a valuable service by exposing the most ludicrous elements of another in a seemingly endless series of fabricated shootings, this time, like Sandy Hook, at another school, only not a CT elementary but a FL high school, “where the shooter has been reported to have been speaking with another student at the time the shooting.