Episode 116: Agenda 21 Dean Henderson joined the program, Life-long activist, author and columnist. Dean Henderson was raised on a cattle ranch near Faulkton, South Dakota and earned a BLS from the University of South Dakota and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana where he founded one of America’s first political “zines” called The Missoula Paper and was a columnist for the Montana Kaimin. In June 2018, Dean spoke at New York City’s Deep Truth conference where he delivered a speech titled, “All Roads Lead to the City of London” as part of a panel named Confronting Oligarchy: Resisting Full Spectrum Dominance. Dean and his wife Jill live in the Missouri Ozarks where the rivers run clear, the water tastes sweet and the air is clean. They operate and live on a small organic vegetable farm, burn wood for heat, and gather wild berries, mushrooms, fruits and nuts. They don’t work slave wage jobs and buy very little while living a simple and rich life. Henderson’s articles have appeared on Infowarscom, SavetheMales.ca, Globalresearch.ca, DavidIcke.com, ZeroHedge.com and NakedCapitalism.com, among many other websites. His print articles have appeared in Multinational Monitor, In These Times, Paranoia and numerous other journals. He also appears regularly as a political analyst for Iran’s Press TV, RT News, Russian Channel 1, The Syria Times, Rense Radio, Tactical Talk with Zain Khan and The Richie Allen Show.