New Forum Re-Launch

I was not content with the old forum, so I created a new one. Please register and post as much as you’d like, thank you so much for your patience. Click HERE to go there NOW.       Not to worry Here is a link to the old forum, if you need to see something there. Old Forum    

Dean Henderson Episode 116

Episode 116: Agenda 21 Dean Henderson joined the program, Life-long activist, author and columnist. Dean Henderson was raised on a cattle ranch near Faulkton, South Dakota and earned a BLS from the University of South Dakota and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana where he founded one of America’s first political “zines” called The Missoula Paper and was a columnist for the Montana Kaimin. In June 2018, Dean spoke at New York City’s Deep Truth conference where he delivered a speech titled, “All Roads Lead to the City of London” as part of a panel named Confronting Oligarchy: Resisting Full Spectrum Dominance. Dean and his wife Jill live in the Missouri Ozarks where the rivers run clear, the water tastes sweet and the air is clean. They operate and live on a small organic vegetable farm, burn wood for heat, and gather wild berries, mushrooms, fruits and nuts. They don’t work slave wage jobs and buy very little while living a simple and rich life. Henderson’s articles have appeared on Infowarscom,,,, and, among many other websites. His print articles have appeared in Multinational Monitor, In These Times, Paranoia and numerous other journals. He also appears regularly as a political analyst for Iran’s Press TV, RT News, Russian Channel 1, The Syria Times, Rense Radio, Tactical Talk with Zain Khan and The Richie Allen Show.  

Live This Saturday Night Special Time 7:15 PM PST – 10:15 PM EST W/ Dean Henderson Second Half Robbert van den Broeke

Dean Henderson was raised on a cattle ranch near Faulkton, South Dakota and earned a BLS from the University of South Dakota and an MS in Environmental Studies from the University of Montana where he founded one of America’s first political “zines” called The Missoula Paper and was a columnist for the Montana Kaimin. A life-long activist and traveler to 50 countries, Henderson’s articles have appeared on Infowars,,,, and, among many other websites. His print articles have appeared in Multinational Monitor, In These Times, Paranoia and numerous other journals. He also appears regularly as a political analyst for Iran’s Press TV, RT News, Russian Channel 1 & Various shows. In June 2018, Dean spoke at New York City’s Deep Truth conference where he delivered a speech titled, “All Roads Lead to the City of London” as part of a panel named Confronting Oligarchy: Resisting Full Spectrum Dominance. Dean has authored five books: Big Oil and Their Bankers in the Persian Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families and Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics and Terror Network is a global cult classic among conspiracy researchers. The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50 Countries chronicles insights gained from a lifetime of overseas travel. Stickin’ it to the Matrix is a practical guide to dropping out of the evil Illuminati system. The Federal Reserve Cartel reveals the owners of the world’s private central banks and offers a solution to...

Dan Cromer X Mugzy Brady – Episode 115

  Episode 115: While America Sleeps Dan Cromer, joined Michael on the program. He is an IT Specialist, Whistle-Blower, and columnist. In Collaboration with Dr. James Fetzer, Dan has investigated deeply into various dark matters. His content can be found on Jim Fetzer’s web-site. Dan is a brilliant researcher and a highly entertaining individual. Politics to social issues and everything else  under the sun. Do not miss this interview with Mr. Dan Cromer. On the second half of the program, Australian rapper and actor Mugzy Brady, joined the program.  In his adolescent years he found himself , in his own deep internal web of issues. It was through the help of music that he found solace, the old  internal void now gone.  

The podcast version of the program

Hello out there reading, I’ve been asked for months if I would please, put up the show on iTunes & other podcast media platforms. The time is here, now you can find the program on all platforms. Thank you kindly for your patience.     – Michael Decon

The Forum is now running

For those who wanted a forum specifically for the program, it is now fully operational. Please feel free to register and post anything you’d like.

James Fetzer Episode 114

Episode 114: A New Pearl Harbor Jim Fetzer, a former Marine Corps officer, has published widely on the theoretical foundations of scientific knowledge, computer science, artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and evolution and mentality. A magna cum laude graduate of Princeton who majored in philosophy, he earned his Ph.D. in the history and philosophy of science. He has received many awards and forms of recognition for his teaching and scholarship. in yet another phenomenal interview with James Fetzer, discussion goes through the A-Z of conspiracies. From JFK to The Moon. Jim is more than alive and firing on all cylinders. Jim becomes unhinged with truth, what does he think of alex jones and his ongoing lawsuits? Does he ever worry of litigation for all the material he has put out there on the incident. Jim has sent alex material and they have used it before and even published an article. However that has been since taken down and removed completely. “A NEW PEARL HARBOR” “Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event––like a new Pearl Harbor”. Section V of Rebuilding America’s Defenses, entitled “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force”. “Forces and Resources for a New Century”, dated September, 2000. (Page 51)  PNAC members, and signees to...

Elana Freeland Episode 113: Cosmic Consciousness

Episode 113: Cosmic Consciousness   Elana Freeland has been a Rudolf Steiner school pioneer, teacher, lecturer, storyteller, and writer. She has written for alternative publications, edited the stories of survivors of MK-ULTRA and ritual abuse, and is still ghostwriting books on diverse topics. During her undergraduate days, she studied biology. In 1996, she was awarded a Master of Arts in Great Books and honors for her thesis on historiography at St. John’s College in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She has now begun the sequel to Chemtrails, HAARP, and the Full Spectrum Dominance of Planet Earth, which will be about the next phase of the global chemtrails-ionospheric heater technology: the Space Fence, a world Smart Grid enabled by the ionized atmosphere we now breathe. Humanity is to be neurologically herded toward a Transhumanist future inside the Space Fence lock down.   In August 1963, Elana  was elected by Girls State to represent her state at Girls Nation in Washington, DC—the same summer former President Bill Clinton was at Boys Nation. After a week of mock federal government exercises under the watchful eye of Vice President Lyndon Baines Johnson, the girls representing their states had tea with President John F. Kennedy in the White House Rose Garden where he drew attention to how like his wife Elana looked, thus granting her a few...