Exclusive Interview This Sunday W/ Karen Jackson

Karen is the owner of KNYE 95.1 FM in Pahrump Nevada   Listen On tunein sunday at 8 pm pst – 11 pm est

Episode 100 W/ Su Walker

  Episode 100: Zeta Reticuli Su Walker joined the program, For over 20 years she has assisted police, the FBI, the CIA, CEO’s, doctors, chiropractors, psychologists, investors, actors, artists and people from all walks of life. Su will perform a psychic reading or medical intuitive reading for you over the telephone. Often compared to the famed medium Edgar Cayce, with a full name, birth date and current location of an individual, Psychic Su Walker can access a great deal of information about someone using her clairvoyant abilities. Su’s ease in remote viewing and working with individuals over the phone brings calls for assistance from a wide variety of professionals (police departments, CEO’s, financial advisors, physicians, chiropractors, attorneys, psychologists, investors) regarding everything from murder cases to patients with unusual medical difficulties, legal cases, relationship fidelity and more.

Robert Bruce – Demonic Possession, Psychic Self Defense Episode 99

  Episode 99: Psychic Self Defense    friend of the program Robert Bruce, teacher and author of numerous books and courses on astral projection, psychic self defense, kundalini, and other spiritual topics, joined Michael in the first segment. As always, Robert shared remarkable wisdom and anecdotes, and also discussed what’s been going on with him. Robert Bruce is the author of several groundbreaking books exploring such mysteries as the human energy body, the out-of-body experience, kundalini, mind’s-eye vision, spiritual and psychic development, metaphysics, psychic security, spirits of nature, and manifestation. He is a true spiritual pioneer of our times, dedicated to exploring the dynamics of all things spiritual, metaphysical and paranormal. Robert Bruce is constantly testing the boundaries of the greater reality. During the conversation, Robert relayed a story about how he was demonically possessed. The story is intense and it is not suitable, for those weak of heart.   *After The Break* Michael welcomes the audience to another intense segment of pontification.

Episode 98: The Magic Bullet W/ James Fetzer

  Episode 98: The Magic Bullet James H. Fetzer was born in in Pasadena, California, on 6 December 1940. He studied philosophy at Princeton University before becoming an artillery officer in the Marine Corps. He reached the rank of captain before resigning in 1966. Fetzer completing his Ph.D. in 1970. Fetzer has taught at the University of Kentucky, University of Virginia and the University of South Florida. He was most recently McKnight University Professor in the Department of Philosophy at the University of Minnesota Duluth. Felzer has published over 20 books and more than 100 articles and reviews in the philosophy of science and on the theoretical foundations of computer science, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science. He has also worked closely with David Mantik, Charles Crenshaw, Ronald F. White and Jack White in producing books on the assassination of the John F. Kennedy. This has included Assassination Science (1998), Murder in Dealey Plaza (2000) and The Great Zapruder Film Hoax: Deceit and Deception in the Death of JFK (2003).

Dr. Albert Taylor – Art Bell Tribute

  Episode 97: Living In The Airwaves Born and raised in Southern California, Albert Taylor performed development engineering on a top secret program which has since become known as the F-117A Stealth Fighter. He evaluated satellite system designs in support of former President Reagan’s Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) or Star Wars. During the late 1980’s Taylor taught Logistics Engineering at Cerritos College, California. He has also served as a volunteer art instructor at St. Paul’s Elementary School in West Los Angeles. Taylor’s art work has been exhibited in Southern California galleries. In 1992 he developed two prototype computers, and started a company called Phoenix Computers Systems, which he still owns today. After a myriad of paranormal events, and as a result of a spiritual awakening, Taylor left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer/scientist, to author and publish his book, Soul Traveler. Taylor is currently a metaphysical researcher, teacher, lecturer and artist. He is an active member of International Association of Near Death Studies, Inc. (IANDS) and a participant in the Monroe Institute’s On-line Email Voyagers program.

Tolec – Deep Disclosure, Draco Reptilian lead “Cabal”, The Universe

Episode 96: Andromeda Council Michael welcomed Tolec to the program, They discussed many aspects of Tolecs early contact experiences; and more important, what this time of change really means in terms of the ~ final elimination ~ of the Draco Reptilian lead “Cabal”, the Illuminati families that have carried out their orders for years… and what it means for the human race. Tolec is an Earth human representative of the Andromeda Council, an intergalactic, interstellar and inter-dimensional governance & development body of aligned benevolent star systems & planets of sentient, intelligent life for worlds in both the Milky Way and Andromeda galaxies. Here on Earth they are collectively known as the Andromeda Council. In space where they function, the various member planets, ambassadors and other delegates simply refer to it as the Galactic Council. You can think of the Council as a deep space United Nations. He has been given the name “Tolec”, as an Earth based, pubic persona work name by the five people with whom he regularly communicates who are stationed on the primary Andromeda Council biosphere where many of its meetings are held. Tolec says he was first contacted as an adult in 1993 by his principal Andromeda Council contact person, the commander of the primary Andromeda Council biosphere, who like Tolec, is originally from the planet...

James Fetzer Live Tonight… Listen Inside 8 PM PST – 11 PM EST James Henry Fetzer (born December 6, 1940) is the Distinguished McKnight University Professor Emeritus of the philosophy of science at the University of Minnesota Duluth. In the late 1970s, Fetzer worked on assessing and clarifying the forms and foundations of scientific explanation, probability in science, philosophy of mind, and philosophy of cognitive science, especially artificial intelligence and computer science. Don’t Be afraid to call in (760) 332-8724  Or on Skype: endofdaysmyke