Red Kachina Double Discount Special (Expires 2/29/2024)
The time has come to prepare for what is to come with clarity of purpose and a focus on the essentials. This is why I am offering my Red Kachina Double Discount Special (expires on 2/29/2024). With this code, you can purchase my Survival Library value package with four signed paperback books with the usual 15% off, plus free media downloads. To double the discount to 30%, use the coupon code noted below at checkout. You may wonder, is this a sales gimmick, or am I passing the basket? This is a fair question, and I sure would ask it, so here is the unvarnished answer. Why I’m Offering This Special For over twenty years, I’ve struggled under the machinations of a psychopathic government that wants you to die in the worst ways possible, and it has continually ground its bootheels on my neck without mercy. The result was many dark days for me, so what kept me going all these years? I suppose I’m just too stupid to quit and too old to care, but the essential truth is how those of you who have followed me through thick and thin over the years supported me with your many wonderful messages and emails of support kept me going. You’ve had dreams, visions, premonitions, and the abuse of deniers close...