Peter Kling episode 90
The Kling family has a 500 year history of standing for the truth, starting with the Reformation of the Church. Following in his ancestor’s footsteps, Peter Kling began his education in the Scriptures before the age of five and his education in the sciences by the age of 10. Peter first started “seeing” future events at the age of 9, had Alien contact at the age of 18, has survived attempts on his life 16 times, including an NDE (Near Death Experience), in which he “crossed over” and got sent back.
Peter covered many bases in the conversation from ET’s, to biblical scripture and the science he applies to his beliefs. Mr. Kling states; “We find life everywhere, it would only be logical that life exists across all dimensions in our Multiverse, beyond our physical three dimensions. Indeed we are not alone, but part of a large Cosmic Family and we are facing a paradigm change, which will create the next step in Human Development”.
Things begin with Peter talking about his background, brain waves, and what it means to be the “Einstein”, of Biblical prophecy. Peter sent a copy of his book to the “History Channel”. His publisher returned with good news however Peter, was never used for any of their programming. Peter believes it’s because of what he wrote in his book, “Letters to earth”.
The topic of Facebook and social media are presented, Michael thinks nothing on the internet is sacred. Everyone now knows, our data has been sold to third party companies and the NSA for many years. This goes back to before there was social media. The brainwashing begins right from your television screen, Michael mentions.
(After the break)
A wide range of topics are covered by Michael and Vanessa, parental discretion is advised.