Tagged: Michael Decon

Megyn Kelly & Crackhead Jesus – Victor Hugo Vaca Jr

Episode 540 Victor Hugo Vaca Jr. founded the Modern Art Music Movement and pioneered modern art gonzo journalism. An award-winning filmmaker and screenwriter, he directed the acclaimed film “Crackhead Jesus: The Movie.” Victor attended prestigious institutions such as Brooklyn Technical High School and the United States Naval Academy, and he has shared the stage with music industry titans who have collectively sold over half a billion albums.

October Surprise 2024 – Michael Decon x Myke Hideous

    Episode 539 The boys are back in town and ready to tear it up! They’ve reunited and joined forces for an electrifying live edition of the Michael Decon program. Get ready for some no-holds-barred conversation and unapologetic insights—this will be one wild ride you won’t want to miss! Topics include An October surprise, the impact of hurricanes in Florida, and exploring age gaps in relationships. Do not listen if easily offended.

Remote viewing the end times – Marshall Masters

  Episode 531 Marshall Masters is a Planet X / Nibiru researcher, radio personality. He publishes Your Own World USA (yowusa.com) Marshall Masters joined Michael Decon to discuss his latest article, “Time Jumping for Freedom.” Marshall Masters discussed his experiences as a remote viewer and his educational journey under the guidance of Ed Dames. Marshall explains how a profound remote viewing session inspired him to author several books that prepare individuals for the impending apocalypse. You don’t want to miss this one.

LIVE From The DNC! (Kinda)

    Episode 529 Michael Decon reports “live”, from the DNC! Myke Hideous is forced to endure such a high-stress-inducing environment. With 2 hours of pure unadulterated fun ahead, taking this one slow is suggested.

Live show at 4 pm pst – 7 pm est

We’re thrilled to announce that we’re back for another exciting round of entertainment! We invite you to tune in live and join the fun by calling into the show. Dial in at (424) 666-2425 to be part of the action and share your thoughts with us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Dean Ryan x Myke Hideous x Michael Decon

  A man with Parkinson’s, they say, is as sharp as a razor, until the polls turn against him, and suddenly he’s deemed unfit to run – yet miraculously fit to lead a whole nation!  The mockery of Christians at the Olympics, and the blatant denial of reality, were all drowned out by the din of the echo chamber’s deceitful melody. And then, a gold medal in Freestyle Domestic Abuse? The madness reaches new heights as conservatives are gaslit into denying the very essence of their biology, where xy chromosomes dance to the tune of genital appearance!  It’s a whirlwind of lunacy, a carnival of deception that threatens to rewrite history for the benefit of the elite.

Michael Decon and Marshall Masters: Planet X FAQ No. 7 – How to Survive It All

  What is it like being interviewed by Michael?  As the old saying goes, life is like a box of chocolates; you never know what you’ll get next. Before an interview with any host, you usually set up the talking points with the host and proceed.  With Michael, that plan usually works for the first five minutes, and then you change direction. This is what makes Michael such a fun host. This is why this interview focused on the survival message of my seven Planet X FAQ video and a message of hope for the aware. Michael Decon and Marshall Masters: Planet X FAQ No. 7 – How to Survive It All (7/19/2024) A long-time guest and veteran of the...

Michael Decon x Daniel [ End Of Days Radio ]

Episode 518: Happy Days Like old times, the boys returned to End Of Days Radio. The guys discuss the first round of the presidential debate, with Joe Biden being humiliated by his own peers. Was this an inside job? Things turn very adult as the conversation picks up steam. Don’t listen to this on speakers if you don’t want to hear some raunchy humor!