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Michael Decon 

Broadcasting live from the wastelands of California, Michael brings you a show that’s not for the faint of heart. With provocative topics, phenomenally dramatic moments, and over-the-top entertainment, you’ll be on the edge of your seat. So don’t miss out! Join Michael live on YouTube on weekdays.


Myke Hideous

He is the founder and frontman of the gothic rock band The Empire Hideous, which was active throughout the 1990s and into the early 2000s. He also performed with The Bronx Casket Co., Spy Society 99, and the Misfits as a fill-in vocalist on their South American and European tours that took place from May to July 1998.

18 Responses

  1. Rick Casteel says:

    I’m a new listener to your show. Tonight was with John Lear and I found your show very entertaining. You can count on me to catch you on the internet as often as I can, I have your web page on my favorite list also. Best of luck.

  2. Alex says:

    Hello Michael!
    I’m a new listener to you show and
    I love you shows, you are very different host, in a good way!!
    Sow my question is can you try to get
    Sebastian Martin to you show? He was in jimmychurge, f2b.but I think jimmy didn’t take him serious. I think you will be much better then jimmy.

    Best Regards

  3. Harvey Dangerballs says:

    Has anyone ever told you that you sound sort of like Xavier Renegade Angel? You guys have a similar cadence and tempo.

  4. Ener Emiaj says:

    your cute

  5. Steven Orosz says:

    recently found your show on tunein , very interesting , much like Art Bell in his early days , I will continue listening A+++++

  6. Huron Lee Rose says:

    Keep up zee good verk Michael!

    ALWAYS entertaining, insightful & inspiring!….

    Wishing you a grand New Year….

  7. King Abdullah says:


  8. Philthy says:

    Great fucking show tonight, Mike and the Doc were awesome.

  9. Anthony (@AC400KICK) says:

    The Best! Godddddddddd damn! CHYNAAA!

  10. Mike JOOONES says:

    I love this show! Just found it and am binge listening…LOVE Mykes music…I’m walking around singing chasing dragons down the hall…it’s much tooii laaate

  11. Michael Bell, I know the crazy ops that have tortured you. Austin Bryan (Shelby Bryan’s son) his best friend Peter Chapman who you look and sound like, Peter Smith, Austin’s wife Kristina Bryan, and the rest of the CIA ops. I have been illegally microchipped too. By Barry Walker, his wife Peggy Dulany, they’re fake shamans Armand Bytton and Namae Ntumae. I have been tortured by Peggy’s daughter in-law Krista Snith (Kala Iverson) as well and best friends Dee Reddington and Emily Cass McDonnell. They are using big tech equipment Ala the dark ops of the Gov. Austin and his dad used their phone company Pingtone and Peggy’s family the Rockefellers have their own special ways. I have been almost killed and am assaulted 24 hrs a day. You can see through my eyes, speak me, move me around like a robot. You can even hear me with the right program.

  12. Michael MacDonald says:

    Michael, I hope you can get an interview with Mike Ness of Social D. I imagine that you two would hit it off, if you don’t already know him. It would be a great hour or two of stories, no doubt. I saw them last night in Pomona at No Values, they never disappoint.

  13. Fox Mulder says:

    Any listeners in the LA area, can hit me up and partake in a beer. Must be down to clown.

  14. Tom Jenkins says:

    Hey micheal I love your show I’m always checking to listen to your latest episode !

  15. Cosmic Chris says:


    I fell in love with your podcast last autumn, and was a devout binge listener for three months. I absolutely love your style, your incredible voice, and your sense of humour, which is very much like mine.
    The episodes with you as the only host were/are easily my favourites (and the only ones I will listen to). I somehow tolerated several episodes with Mike Hideous as a co-host. Nowadays I listen to your podcast VERY rarely, because Hideous is in nearly all of them. The nanosecond I see him listed in the Shownotes, I refuse to add an episode to my listening queue!
    He is absolutely horrible. His Trumptardation is severe, to the point of no return to sanity, most likely. He arrogantly acts like a know-it-all, despite being an enormously lousy interviewer (for instance he did a terrible job asking questions of Michael Cremo and Jack Cary. He essentially reacted to Cary as if Cary is a fool and a liar, using the ultra-lame “until we have a body” argument and not responding to the excellent mind/researcher/experiencer Cary’s core thesis of Bigfoot being a biorobot, in addition to tacitly scoffing at Cary’s eyewitness encounters with Bigfoot…).
    Hideous is a classic Trumptard. He has a rotted brain, and no morals.
    Hideous is not low-class, he is ZERO-class. You can do much much better by finding a different co-host. Hideous ruins everything!
    I am sure you have lost other listeners besides me because of Mike Hideous’s ruination of your otherwise brilliant program.

    –Sincerely, Chris in Oklahoma City

  16. Bob says:

    I found your show recently on Spotify and I have never laughed so much as I have listening to you guys doing the live shows. I was actually a huge Myke Hideous fan before-hand and I essentially found your show searching his name in Spotify.

    I hope you guys continue working together in the future.

  17. Pete Mobley says:

    Hey Michael my name is Pete Mobley and I’m a construction worker from Philadelphia PA and I listened to your recent interview with Robert Stanley about the all these drone sightings etc. As Robert began to get into the spiritual reality behind what is happening in our world and the existence of fallen angels and their influence on humanity and our world I was fascinated to hear his stories of what he’d experienced. I believe that The Bible is Truth and has been preserved by God for mankind to hear The Truth and to have the opportunity to be delivered or saved from the penalty we all deserve for our rebellion against God. The Bible clearly teaches that we are born in sin. We inherited our sin nature from our first parent Adam, who transgressed a direct command of God to not eat of the fruit of the tree in the midst of the garden.( Genesis ch. 2 and 3 ) As a result we are born in sin. We aren’t sinners because we have sinned but we sin because we are sinners, it’s our nature. Our hearts are desperately wicked.( Jeremiah ch. 17 ) And as a result we will each of us die because “the wages of sin is death”. Son only brings death. But the gospel or good news is that God so loved us that He gave His One and Only Son that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved. ( John ch. 3 verses 16 and 17) Saved from the judgement we each face for our rebellion against God. God is Love but God is also Just. He is Holy. He is not like you and me. He must judge sin. Every sin is an eternal offense against our Perfect Righteous God. He chose to allow His Son, God in human flesh to fulfill His Righteous requirements of His Eternal Law ( Christ lived the obedient life we cannot) and then He willingly laid down His Life in our place. Jesus is The Lamb of God. God was pleased to “crush Him” ( Isaiah 53:10 ) and His Sacrifice purchased our freedom if we choose to repent ( turn from our sin and rebellion and turn towards God by faith knowing The Lord Jesus paid in full my debt that I could never pay) He according to The Bible God’s Truth, then forgives our sin because Christ became our sin on that cruel cross. ( 2 Corinthians 5:21 ) Michael, all other or any other variations of this Truth will bring a person before their Creator God and will face His Divine Wrath not because they are somehow worse than another human being but because they have “neglected so Great Salvation”( Hebrews ch. 2 verse 3) you must know this. So much of what Robert said about the spiritual realm is true but he has a wrong veiw of The Lord Jesus and God’s True Character. God bless you.

  18. i just listened through you whole interview with Marshall Masters. While I was interested in the topic of Nemisis, Nibiru, and Planet X, having read Zecharia Sitchin , and followed other prognosticators who expected it to show up in 2015 or 2016, it was really hard to listen to his racist, bigoted, insulting, and nasty language directed at certain groups, while talking about the love vibration as being a thing that will help people survive. It does appear that he has done a lot of research and has a lot of information to impart, but he’s another “blowhard” who is sure he is right about every last thing. All that information could have been delivered in a non offensive way which would garner many more listeners to awaken to our peril.

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